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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. my harness is cut all up and I dont either, but then again my car isnt running. lol
  2. just hopping the bubbles I can just cut out and paint over.. I'm like dang its not going to seal as well now I kinda am just taking my bf's advise, he said "Leave it ratty, we'll get you some fiberglass fenders later when its driving" lol
  3. looks like fun but too show boaty for me If it wasnt illegal, I know a really good mountain around here I'd show off in the datto in. Only down side is 100ft cliffs with no gaurd rails
  4. been rolling it on with the roller they supplied and got dizzy when doing my trunk lol I'm thinking it was too much, going to just cut the bubbles off and apply a second coat. Going to be using a sprayer soon to get it in those hard to reach spots though
  5. Looks cool, I'd leave it purple or some other color and get some good rims myself.
  6. Well been using it on the roadster and so far this is my findings: One: Don't EVER get it on skin, it will not come off.. I've even poured paint stripper on my hands to try to get it off. Two: Thinner the coats the better, if you get it too thick it will bubble like no tomorrow and you'll have to cut them off with a hobby knife. Three: Even in a open environment you might take a break every 10 minutes.. I was stumbling around after an hours painting session and it wasn't the brown party liquor either. Thats all I can think of so far, but on the good side I can tell you it fills in the pinhole sized holes in my body and sticks quite well to old my old rusty ratsun. While painting I even came up with a name for my roadster, I proclaimed it the rustster. (pronounced ruster lol.. I blame paint fumes)
  7. Apparently they shoulda been smarter and did like the hells angels if someone in the club actually had issues with the logo. lol Far as things are, they didn't claim it legally its open game. And I'm with you skib, lol I need to get a rat and wrenches for my roadster soon got it half painted finally lol. Though I'm willing to bet their members are like most here, just fun loving goofballs who love their car/bike/whatever has wheels and goes vroom!
  8. cue the people with the signs for pictures in 3..2..
  9. Too bad you're so far.. I'd so buy it and drive it as it sits.
  10. I think there are a few of them that aren't on either lol though they are pretty easy to find.
  11. curious is the crossmember cut any to fit the L18 into the car?
  12. mine isnt really an amazing story but I'd been looking for a datsun roadster since I was 12.. Every one I'd found had been at the 10k mark.. I seen one in the paper for 1000 dollars, I called the guy and it had been sold.. A few years later an ad pops up on craigslist and I find it was the same roadster for sale.. The guy that bought it never finished it.. Turns out he was just 1 block from my house and wanted 600 for it.. after a little talking my dad offers him 400 for me and he takes it.. We load it up and bring it home (I was 19 at the time, it took me that long to find one lol)
  13. kinda reminds me of a story my grampa told me, a guy and his wife was getting a divorce.. she wanted the vette and so did he.. Well he took the vette.. before she let him have it she poured valve polishing compound into the oil. Ate the bearings up.
  14. Careful with some of these kits, they scatter light everywhere and blind other drivers
  15. Nice benz, and you can convert it to run veggie fuel too
  16. can I get mine in red flavor? :P Thing that sucks about having a roadster the only JDM item available is outrageously rare and I've not seen one state side and it is the factory hardtop.
  17. The last Honda I had I bought the most outrageously large muffler I could find.. This fart cannon was like 10" wide, I thought it was funny.
  18. Yeah, they rock. I ended up needing a set of tools due to some major bs lol
  19. I ended up buying one using a one time use only code I got but http://www.sears.com/shc/s/p_10153_12605_00934260000P the current 100 dollars off is stackable with coupons so I got my toolset for 180 dollars shipped, hell the 200 shipped makes it a good deal compared to ebay... Just figured I'd let others know.
  20. My solution for it is to take a set of 4 and cut them in to make a set that are just a bit bigger, working on it currently still. A few suggest using MG flares or vw bug fenders.
  21. Hopefully I can get one soon, will be posting a how to do a suck through supercharger/turbo guide.. Having to fight the VW guys for a carb lol
  22. Yeah saw that, figured I'd post up anyways
  23. I need one Z su carb for my roadster, I need it for a supercharger setup. Let me know, and please no junk.
  24. For once oklahoma isn't ass backwards lol Here our titles include a slip to mail in to report sale of a car/truck/whatever. But yes make a 2 bill of sales and keep it somewhere safe.
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