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Everything posted by FoxyRoadster

  1. www.datsunparts.com www.datsunroadster.com for U20 parts and no you'd have to get a bellhousing that fit on the u20
  2. too bad I'm too far away, I'd be interested in it but just too far D:
  3. http://www.mildevco.net/chevypowereddatsuns/ Noone can so no to a v6 roadster or even v8 Congratz but I wanted to see a Z limo :P
  4. anyone have some dyno results from a built motor and some cost? :cool: I already know how much an R16 1.8 stroker will run me, bout 500 for the crank then 400 for the rebuild. Just that darn costly roadster 5 speed.. Less someone knows where I can get a SD22 transmission assembly then I'd be in major luck!
  5. Score! got myself stainless steel brake lines for 1/4th the cost from jegs then from the brake shop local

  6. My datsun is worth six figures...to me... :lol: But yes pictures now please!
  7. yeah been looking but not finding a whole lot.. I'm also wondering cost.. As stroking my R16 will cost me about 500 dollars for the crank but I just don't wana deal with the roadster 5 speed since I'd have to swap over to it from my 4 speed and the L16 has the same 96 hp of fury as my r. Since I have the SU's already I would just need an intake for it.. Plus can't you find the L16 with EFI?
  8. lol they had a hotlinking filter on, you might in the future save the image and then upload it to an image hosting site like photobucket or imageshack
  9. performance parts for the L16? you know, go faster parts? Kinda curious as the roadster doesn't have much on aftermarket and the 5 speed is kinda costly.
  10. I'm curious what all parts and such do you guys that have the L16, I'm just wanting to compare the L16 to my current R16. Plus a 5 speed is kinda cool to have :cool:
  11. :lol: epic double posting ftl guess I need to get pics of my 1600 to post in the 1600 section.
  12. lol all 5 of us with roadsters will be slow to use the 1600/1500/2000 subforums.
  13. http://www.pattonmachine.com/Carbs-and-Adapters.htm EFI it! But dont listen to me, I'm crazy! though if I remember right the SSS barely had enough room for the r16 right? I'mma hear a lot of flak for saying it, but remote turbo time? :P
  14. Should be a 280zx transformer in the movie.. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Prowl_%28Transformers%29
  15. so it keeps the car gremlins away?
  16. Only issue is most of the junk yards dont have any of the motors I'm looking for. Thinking of just getting a transmission and buying a 20v off ebay.
  17. When I get home I'm going to yank the head, check the gasket and re-torque the bolts, last time this happened they ended up loose and was letting compression go... Worst comes to worse I could get an H20 head and rebuild it then turbo the R16.. Just hope the wife dont beat me :lol:
  18. actually thinking 4agze myself, not near the power of the ka but I've already got the sc laying around. Going to tinker with the R16 a bit first, might just rebuild it as it honestly is cheaper then buying another motor.. I'm tempted by the 6 speed miata transmission though.. mmmm 6 gears. Just grinds my gears that the engine worked great when I first got the thing, but now is being a piece of crap. Never even got to drive the thing. :mellow:
  19. I think my tester is broke but the car also barely runs now.. fired up like a champ last time I did it (almost a year ago) but now runs like ass. I'm thinking its time to swap as my other half made me promise if it fucked up I'd replace it :lol:
  20. Fuck. My engine tested low on compression,again.. all below 45psi Dang I was hoping for some old school R16 action, guess time for a swap. :angry: Question is now.. What engine lol my partner wants a sc'ed miata engine, I'm like meh. SR20's I have to cut and KAs cost the same as the miata engines local.
  21. leave it you have proof you aren't posing anyways with that beast! :P
  22. I'm just hoping they dont feature a roadster anywhere.. they are hard enough to find lol Least by the look of it they'll show people the pride of owning a datsun.. Actually having to pop the hood and fix shit!
  23. I use ms paint, less a find a cool one online.
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