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Everything posted by Kirden

  1. I don't know man... This is one of the sexiest cars I've ever seen.
  2. Wow that is a neat option and the price is bad ass. Wonder why that one wasn't on the 1200 wiki. Looks like I would need either a dump tank in line to fill the radiator or an in line filler neck, but I'm not opposed to that. My only question is would filling it be a pain due to the down turn on the top outlet? I guess as long as the filler sat above the outlet it would flow into the radiator.
  3. Hey, that means you have more time to finish some amazing B210/120Y moulds! Yay unemployment.!!!
  4. Awesome man, thank you. I was so disappointed earlier. I even updated my facebook status... But really, thanks so much. I'm not 100% sure that the "stock" radiator will hold up to a supercharged A15, but it will probably do much better once I remove the A/C,
  5. So this one is brass? I just assumed it was stamped to look like the original brass one. http://www.rockauto.com/catalog/moreinfo.php?pk=3607602&cc=1208821
  6. Ticks me off the more I think about it. It was an A/C radiator too :(
  7. Well, just got home to find that the radiator for my B210 has been stolen. I need to source a new radiator and since I am planning a boosted build eventually I might as well invest in something that can handle it. Does anyone have the dimensions for the radiator from a late model B210? I do not know if the 210 radiators are the same but I am pretty sure the early radiators are different. This really sucks because I love the look of the stock radiators with polished brass.
  8. Pretty sure Obama didn't cause this. I mean he make be a demon and everything, but controlling Ratwagon's job all the way on the other side of the world?
  9. Well this is absolute bullshit. I just got home and someone has stolen the radiator I had for the B210. Fuckin bullshit man. It was the stock radiator, not even worth anything.
  10. Way to go Ratwagon! That is a very sweet deal. Oh, it's almost time for me to order more vegemite :P
  11. I know, I've tried to explain that to others planning swaps, but it is still frustrating. He still has to get the whole radiator, intercooler, wiring, crossmember, trans cross member, ect done and it won't be as cool as my planned build, but it will be faster and maybe a little more flashy. I'm just mad cause his will kill hondas and mine will have trouble beating a civic with a bad cylinder... I keep trying to remind myself that R1s + Kirk headers + Eaton M90 (maybe M62) = awesome with plenty of happy. I've just got to buckle down and make it happen. EDIT: this equation could also = asploded transmission, which would = no happy and target practice.
  12. That moment when you realize you could have had a running CA18DET swap after all of the money in parts for a non-running A15... A friend of mine just came across a CA18 full swap (minus intercooler) for $900. He's probably going to get it for his project, but knowing that it cost me more than that for the intake, headers, and R1s, not to mention replacing the busted accessories and parts to get the A15 running annoys the crap out of me. Hopefully I'll feel better about it once the damn thing cranks.
  13. Our humidity has stayed around 70-80% for the past 3 weeks. Sadly GA is not dry like Arizona or Texas. We have wet sticky heat and lots of summer rain.
  14. What would you suggest for storing an engine block for 2-4 weeks? I would hope that the machine shop doesn't take that long, but we all know relying on other people to complete stuff on time doesn't usually work out. Would placing shrink wrap over the block and then covering that with something flat and heavy do the trick to seal in the fogging oil?
  15. For giggles, I should probably show the pictures of the manifolds huh? Don't have a direct view of the exhaust flange: Here is a good view of the Intake: As you can see the exhaust is the 3 piece A-series flange style, where the Intake is the 5 piece design. The options are to either cut the metal that connects the exhaust flange or grind down the intake flange so that it fits over the exhaust flange. Since the intake has so much more material to work with I think it will be better to modify the intake flange. The metal that connects the intake was just for fabrication purposes and will be removed.
  16. I can get a car cover pretty easily. I was mainly worried about it because of the humidity down here in GA. Do you think a flat section of plastic/metal would be enough if I put a brick or something on top of it?
  17. Hey guys, so I've ran into a problem with my A15 and I now need to remove my head so that the machine shop can modify my R1 manifold and Kirk headers flanges to fit together (two different style flange patterns). I've tried finding an A-series head to use for the manifold mock up or bolt to the block so that I could plug it up and keep the cylinders protected, but that has been a no go. I've thought about just grinding the flanges myself, but I'm a chicken shit... So, if I do not end up pulling the bottom end for a rebuild, what is the best way to protect the cylinders for an extended amount of time? I was thinking I could have someone make me a block off plate, oil the cylinders up and bolt the plate down to keep out moisture, but that hasn't really worked out either. I do not have a garage, shed, or enough room to pull the engine and move it inside (yet). If I decide to rebuild it I will get rid of my VG33 and throw the A15 in the house for a rebuild.
  18. Nice work on the wiring. I would love to tear through the wiring on my B210 but that stuff scares me. I could see lots of frustration and a datsun dying in a large blaze of gasoline soaked glory if I attempted a full rewire. Just wondering, what exactly made you go through all of the wiring? I'm sure it is probably for the best, but I have just been focusing on replacing what I could tell needed to be replaced (like the brake light wires on my 620). I used to install stereos and speakers, but the wiring was the one head ache that made me stop...
  19. Wow man, that is awesome. I'm not a fan of brown and it looks iffy (to me) until you set it low on those wheels. That is jaw dropping. I'd say you made out like a bandit on the paint deal.
  20. Thank you sir. Much better review than everything I've heard about many of the online tire shops. I'll try to pick up a set once I get the rims re-finished. Please continue posting those sexy B/210s :thumbup:
  21. I second this motion! I'd love to get my hads on a 810 goon.
  22. Where did you get the FD1s? I ordered them from 3 places and got emails back saying they weren't in stock and no telling when they would be. Online tire has them on the website, but they rarely have any on hand. I ask because the FD1s also come in 155/55s :P As for the s-drives, I like them but they are notoriously bad with rain. I want the B210 to look good and be somewhat practical as a backup vehicle when my POS scion is in the shop :rofl: EDIT: Ok, so I may be dumb. You probably got them from tires easy huh? I feel retarded now... :sleep:
  23. Haha, will do. I've been slightly stumped this week, but hopefully we can get it started Thursday.
  24. That looks pretty amazing. I'm not a fan of white though due to the fact that it makes imperfections stand out. Black is the same way. However, if you were able to have the body perfect, that would be amazing. Just wondering, do you plan to keep the park benches? They really don't look bad imo with your current color. I think that is the first B210 I've seen where I wouldn't mind keeping the benches. I think it's the way is it framed in black by the grill and fenders. I think I'm going to try it on my 4dr and see if I like it :thumbup:
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