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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Good memory, now who are you at golden gardens?

  2. Pumpkn210

    My Datty 720

    I only read like half of that^ Welcome to the fold! ;) Nice truck!
  3. I haz 210s in seattole areuh! ;) Does that count as getting "At you"
  4. "I hope that someday we will be able to put away our fears and prejudices and just laugh at people." ~Jack Handey~

    1. Show previous comments  10 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      Here he comes, gimmie some ones!

    3. INDY510


      I love you...



      you love me...



      We're a disfuntional FAMILY

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      he did it for the ollz ?



  5. Couldnt, or decided not to? ;)
  6. ~singing~ How manny nicknames must a man go by, before you just call him wierd?
  7. EPOIC!

    1. BASA


      what!!!!what!!!! more OIC where at....

    2. INDY510


      I just want to tell you both...

    3. Pumpkn210
  8. Photo Stealer! You sir, are whats wrong with this country! :P Cereal though, thats a cool ass idea! Maby your head, just a little creepier! ;) With cross wrenches? Love old service truck door art! You could even do "Dirty Dave" on the tailgate thingey! :D
  9. Pumpkn210

    A14 pictures

    I want to take the driving courses and tests you have over there! EPIC skillz, all the good rally drivers come from there! How hard would it be for a American to get to take those?
  10. SHIT! I stand corrected, the information I was given was inaccurate! :blink:
  11. All the coolest EVERYTHING is on the West Side! ;)
  12. Pumpkn210

    A14 pictures

    Already took the car down for the winter ;) hopefully to rise before the snow. Gotta run coolant around them in copper tubing! I love Finland!
  13. Thats the old lady he was calling. Cereal Noob, just Google it!
  14. My status Hella Lolz you ALL!

  15. They made Nissans in america, in Texas in the early 80s?
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