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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Pumpkn210


    Should be sold separately, but not a hassle to find!
  2. Pumpkn210


    Performance wise? YES!
  3. Pumpkn210


    You get an adapter plate, they are kind of a pain but its the way to go. You could buy an aftermarket side draft intake manifold and run side drafts of various makes/models. Or make your own to fit!
  4. Pumpkn210


    Google Weber Carbs, should be available at your local parts store!
  5. Shirly has a Friend!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. INDY510
    3. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE



      ^ if ypu can't read the above , you blind !



    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ollz ^^^ paradoxx

  6. Shirley this isn't me trolling......

  7. On the job hunt, still!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Pumpkn210


      What are ppl lookin at/for when they go to my profile anyway?

    3. Pumpkn210
    4. INDY510


      we gon fin you!!!!

  8. Maby even put white on the whole door and lightly sand it off in places and repeat with the red and black. Would be COOL!
  9. That was an Awsome Video! Punishment by crushing, very Borat!
  10. Goin down early this evenin, got some workin to do tomarro!

    1. MicroMachinery


      That's what she said.

    2. INDY510


      You normally do your going down later in the night???

    3. I'm BLUE
  11. Imagine what it would do if it was actually burnin that fuel :poke: :D
  12. Yep, you gotta do away with those. Again look in the JYs ggzilla gave ya a nice list of donor cars to look for! I have heard of guys gluing them in, cant balance them and they shook!
  13. I would check the fluid, if thats not it your gonna prolly have to pull it. Does the stick act all wierd and sloppy?
  14. After Research I found that there may be a small ammount of vacuum in the innards of an engine, but only at cruising speed! When your driving it Hard, there is minimal PCV! So it stands to reason that they are valid, doubt it would be alot different at temp. Could be wrong, like I said I would like to see that experiment!
  15. Welcome? Oics or it dint happen!
  16. That Sucks! The 210s have the pressed in u-joints that you can not replace. You have to get a new driveline! That is unless yours has already been changed over. You can tell by looking at them, if they look like the ends have been filled with plastic then your screwed! I have found new drivelines in the junk yard for both of my 210s! They are the same length in all 210s, not sure on the B210s though!
  17. They are vented to prevent pressure or vacuum :unsure: I think...... And on an Engine, there is a PVC system. Doesn't that keep the innards at a certain pressure/vacuum? :unsure:
  18. Tests were to replicate a rear end, says so in the words on the page :P And in a rear end there is no pressure or vacuum! In an engine it may be different ;) Would like to see the results of that experiment!
  19. Keep a low profile on the streets, if ya want to keep your licence. If ya gotta do it, go to the track or find a friend with some "Private" property. Spokane cops Do Not Mess Around! Last thing you wanna do is be on their list!
  20. If the Women dont find ya Handsome, they should atleast find you Handy!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. SpudWhitman


      Keep your stick on the ice.

    3. Rotary510


      LOL...THIS IS A FUNNY LINE! I felt this way before with the wife, but after I giver her some handy work, she finds me very handsome!

    4. I'm BLUE

      I'm BLUE

      ^^^ "handywork" huh ?


      ollz ( sorry had to )

  21. Just dont want it to be too restricted, not sure on the math on what it pumps at what RPM. But my 1400 runs to 6500RPM+ no problem and with a couple mods you can run 8500+ so flow is important. Like I said, Im not sure on the math but if your exhaust is too small in diamiter or too restricted, you will lose power and RPM!
  22. Your datsun is 1500cc get a muffler for 1500cc!
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