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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Bitchen rides Mang! I too am a huge fan of the valiant, and Love the aussie grille! :D
  2. Cause all your friends.... well, you know the rest! ;)
  3. FML

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. MicroMachinery


      Time to start flashin' some leg out on the corner..

    3. Pumpkn210


      If it was only that easy...

    4. BASA


      Taco taco taco thursday!!!!

  4. I just wanna tell you both good luck, were all counting on you!

  5. Nope, thats a different member!
  6. Vspec Sentra SER! With a cool sticker!
  7. Seems like a good place to put these... Videos = Clickey!
  8. I would put one in the front and one in the back! ;) Get a couple rolled Neons and cut the front ends off, cut out the underside of the datsun in the front and rear. Set the car down over the front clips, make sure to do alot of measurements before you weld them all together! For the rear steering you could have an electric motor on the steering rack with a knob to turn! Would be a HUGE project, but worth it all in the end! All wheel drive, twin engine, all wheel steering FTW! ;)
  9. NICE! Good Get, love the car, its a nice start! The possibilities are endless! Welcome to the fold!
  10. LOVE the Idea, and the look! Done it with some over the counter Vortex thingeys from pep boys!
  11. Will be another fun day of sliding tomarro!

    1. MicroMachinery


      Just got in from some slick side-ways ways.

    2. BASA


      Come over and stay the night its gonna be a cold night

  12. NICE! I like it, wish I could go that low! I gotta be high enough to drive fast thru different things! But Kudos fore shore! Love the rims too, coolest mag rim ever!
  13. was planin on showin up at around 11am
  14. 33 degrees and snowing BITCHES! Hella Goin Drivin!

    1. BASA


      knew you would be out once the snow came

    2. Pumpkn210


      Played for like 2 hours this noon ish, and meow its snowing again! WooT

    3. chester


      lucky we have nothing here in idaho its upsetting

  15. Thats the place! Again Im goin there this coming saturday, and all are welcome to join me! :cool:
  16. And now, I shall have a Salad! A Chef Salad, and Im the Chef!

    1. elmerfudpucker


      Kami, stay away from Squeak! lol

  17. Was thinkin bout runnin a super long heater core line aroun them :cool:
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