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Everything posted by Pumpkn210

  1. Mine is from California and Colorado thank you very mutch:p
  2. :DIf they are inactive there is only a slim chance that they will find this post. You should PM them:thumbsup:
  3. I think about it this way! - If we spend that money at Wal-Mart, the money will go to China. - If we spend it on gasoline it will go to the Arabs. - If we purchase a computer it will go to India. - If we purchase fruit and vegetables it will go to Mexico, Honduras, and Guatemala. - If we purchase a good car it will go to Japan. - If we purchase useless crap it will go to Taiwan...and none of that will help the American economy. The only way to keep that money here at home is if we Americans unite together and buy: prostitutes, weed, beer, and tattoos, since these are the only products still produced in the USA. Thank you for your help & please support the US economy and your fellow Americans.
  4. Thanks, I kinda Tried. It has the stock down pipe to about the front seat then 2 1/4-2 1/2in with a HUGE Flowmaster...not sure what kind. The big stuff is made (poorly) out of scrap pieces I got from my local muffler shop(Thanks Mikes Automotive) I am pleased with the sound aswell SBD Yea it means Super Bad Datsun! Or is it Smoke Bud Daily? Hmm I forget:blink:
  5. She was fine. We yelled but she seemed to not notice. I figure let her get ran over a couple times...she will learn. This is a video of the dogs fighting over a stick and Elsie fetching it out of some river that is just past Morton
  6. Yea! Maby we could combine our campin craziness sometime. Watched the vids of your camping and was inspired to make my camping public aswell.:cool:
  7. Im Down like 4 Flat Tires!
  8. Well that is not entirely true. I broke my car in the trails kitting the brakes too hard. Blew out my RR brake slave. And it sounds like it has a exhaust leak. It was a blast though. Here are some videos of us sliding around the trees at the property. Cant leave Tyson out. He was trying really hard!
  9. I have heard some of the arguments for FI. But I have had lots of good experience with carbs and want it to be old school and simple. I just think that if I did FI it would cluster up my engine bay. Not to mention the extra expence of purchasing the Brain and Harness.
  10. I want to put a CA18DE in the Pumpkn so I was lookin for one and came across the CA16DE. You can get RWD trannys for them too. All I gotta figure out is what I gotta buy to run a carb.
  11. There is a complete CA16DE in a pulsar at the Tacoma Pull-A-Part. Looks to be in good shape.
  12. :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol: Only in a VW :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  13. Maby it should be "Father Smurf" or "Padre Smurf" :D
  14. I was thought about getting a harley, but if I wanted something that broke down all the time I would get a VW! :eek: (Now I'm Really Gonna Hear It!)
  15. I must admit that hondas are not horeable. We got a 02 RSX-S that I took out for a "Road Test" There was a 200rpm dead spot in the middle of the tach. But everywhere else on the tach it had Tons of power! WAY FAST! But hondas are wrong wheel drive and that is the extent of why I dont like them. I will however never capitalize the h in honda. If its not broke, you aint tryin!
  16. I must say there is something to be said about ralleying a car and completely destroying it. I have done this to several cars over my lifetime and will do it to several more. The last car I destroyed was a 81 210 auto, with no title. And I did remove good parts after the fact. It is fun to beat on a car on the street, but to see just how mutch off road abuse a car can take in a short amount of time, sweet! The kids in the video didnt do it the way I would, I like to jump them. You must also remember that the car in the video is probibly worthless in the area it is in.
  17. Dont worry one of these days I will come out of my shell That was alot of fun. Especially the waking up at 5 to drive out to Port Outfar. Just to have to pay money to ride a boat with a bunch of wierdos! Cant wait till the next one! That is the COOLEST WAGON EVER!
  18. You gotta remember that the points dont matter. Kinda like how high you can get a honda to rev. It just doesnt matter!
  19. Yea I really want a mid 70s 210 coupe again. This one will do for now. I am really diggin the 4-link though. It really handles like a dream. I plan on riding the ferry with you guys on sunday so keep your eyes peeled for a Pumpkn on the horizon!
  20. Decisions, Decisions:confused: Im jealous, I only have one crappy datsun to choose from! :D
  21. I know it is going to make it, that is no contest! The shakedown run was last summer when I drove it back and forth from Puyallup to vancouver and portland like 20 times. I am only worried about the engine not having enough power to take the hills with a load. I bet the 5-sp will help with that though. Stupid thing has been smoking in the morning more than usual lately. Guess I should keep the revs down till it gets warm.:P
  22. Yea I will roll up there where we meeting up at? What time? Call Me? (253)224-1139 Dave (Pumpkn Operator)
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