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Loren O

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Everything posted by Loren O

  1. All cleaned up, waxed (shiny as it gets, anyhow),& waiting for the show to open.
  2. Does anyone know how much it costs to get in to the event?
  3. That walk would take several hours though. I'very done it. Better to drive your Datsun.
  4. I'm looking forward to meeting more fellow Ratsun-ers. Can't wait to see the streets of Canby filled with Datsuns!
  5. I've seen maxima wagons posted here, welcomed by everyone who posted at the time. I have seen other non -510 wagons here too, so why does my 610 bother you? Maybe GOKIBURIX. Should chime in here & settle this. Was it his intent when he started this thread that it be 510's only, or just a thread for wagons in general that he happened to put in the 510 section. By the way, I have been posting in this thread since the beginning, so I think I have a pretty good idea of his original intentions. I'm not trying to cause trouble by posting this, or my pic of my 610 here the other day either. Just saying.
  6. As long as nobody's actually offended that there's a 610 goon posted here, I'm ok. I do own a 510 Goon as well. I bought it in nearly the same condition as this 610 is. Swapped in an l20b/5 speed & have driven it daily ever since. It was our "family car, until our youngest was born 2 years ago. Now it's mostly my transportation.
  7. Loren O

    610s unite!!!!!!

    My wife and I just picked this up Sunday. I can't wait to get to work on it. Thank again micro machinery! (spell check won't let me make that one word)
  8. Me? It's still a goon. Or should I have posted in the 610 threads, or maybe the "pay it forward thread" since micro machinery gave us such a good deal on it? Not the wrecking yard thread, I hope. It's not THAT rough.
  9. My wife Kimberly & I picked up this '73 Datsun 610 goon from MicroMachinery sunday. We had a lot of help getting it from his place to where it's stored temporally until it's running ( by September ). Thanks go out to everyone involved that day!
  10. Loren O

    69 521 Build

    I'll be keeping the bed hooks on my truck too. I think I'll use them from time to time,& I like the look. Just my two cents. Your truck is shaping up very nicely! That center console/jump seat is awesome! I was going to leave the bench in mine & just suffer with the lack of headroom, because I will occasionally need seats for more than 2 people. Your jump seat would make it possible to do that& have seats better suited to someone my size (6'3"), plus a cup holder would be great too. Any chance of you making any more of these?
  11. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    I was hoping you'd make it to Canby. I'm looking forward to meeting some fellow Ratsun-ers.
  12. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    That's outstanding! Please put me down for at least 1 in size xl. How much will you be selling them for? I'll need to budget for this & a few other things at Canby. Thanks!
  13. this video reminds me of my first Datsun! mine was bright lemon yellow with the same vinyl top. I pretty much drove it like they're driving in the video, only I drove that way on the streets too! I was in High School then , I'm the 80's,& didn'the realize how much I'd miss that car when I sold it. Datsun 180b with tractor tred:

    1. Raggleflaggle


      That is inspiring.

    2. Loren O

      Loren O

      I meant that it in the 1980's, not that I'm in my 80's. Just to be clear.

  14. I plan on using a supertrap or something similiar when I ever get around to having new exhaust done on my goon. Probably do the same on the 521 too.
  15. I had one of those on my old 320i. Pretty late 80's/ early 90's but if you like the old school look ( & I do! ) then they're cool!
  16. I want that camper, or one like it. How can I find one?
  17. I was wondering why you said that, then I went & read what my post said. I don'the know how the word "don't" got in there. Probably the dam spell-check on my new phone. I haven't quite got the hang of using it yet. I'd defiantly like to join the group.
  18. Is that wagon Dave'so goon & Jason's white wagon? I think I recognize half the cars in this pic. Next time you're getting this many goons together, let me know, I'don't like to join in.
  19. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    I like the tonneu cover!
  20. I'll look for the other threads too then.who are you calling "sweetie" ? The cartoon pig in my signature is in reference to the " Lipstick on a pig", it wouldn't have looked right if I'd posted Porky pig,instead of Petunia pig. my name's Loren O. ,as in Mr. Loren O. Just trying to clear that up for you. Just in case.
  21. I don't remember seeing any other "patina" threads,or I'd be following them also. Anyway,here's my contribution for this morning. I'll post some more later.
  22. Thanks! That should help. Looks like my goom will have to continue to live without lsd,but maybe my 521 will get one,eventually.
  23. Loren O

    Post Your 521.

    I wouldn't be surprised if Jun was already worki.g on a 521. He created the 510,& wagon,the 620 pickup,the mad manga,& several other "Japanese Nostalgic" Hot wheels. I've been looking for the 510 wagon in stores ever since it was announced that it would be made. I've only seen it on ebay so far.
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