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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. Thank you to everyone who was able to come out to LA's first cruise (that I know of in the 2 years I've been on here). We're pretty much all in agreement of doing this once a month. We're planning on the last Sunday of every month so for those of you that missed this one you can plan on attending the next one. What I'll do is every month update the title on this thread with the new date and my first post with the new location for everyone to meet up and where our run will take us that day. We're going to change it up every time. Today was a good "test run," no pun intended, to see what kind of turn out we would have. I hope everyone made it home ok and without incident. Now enjoy some pics and let's plan on doing this again in April! [url=http://s36.photobucket.com/user/colourbox/media/Fun%20Run%20March%202014/DSCN1666_sm_zps3deb8cb5.jpg.html]
  2. If you're taking the 10 to PCH it's the second lot after the 10 turns into PCH
  3. Ok kids make sure you bring those cameras, take lots of pics and post them here tomorrow. I'll see you in the morning!
  4. Is this what you're looking for? I also have a Nissan service manual that I made a PDF of and posted on here: http://community.ratsun.net/topic/49640-1981-datsun-210-manual-pdfs/
  5. Welcome! Now go post an intro thread with photos of said 510. We're pic whores here :D This is the first fun run I'll be on so right there with ya! Been on here a couple of years and I've only ever seen a post for a run once probably a few months after I was on here which I was all in for but there was nothing but chirping crickets on that thread :huh: Very excited to have gotten interest on this one. It'll be fun :thumbup:
  6. Haha! When he resides in West Hollywood he's a show queen. When he's at my mom's in San Bernardino (so I can have my garage back) he's still a queen who a I kidding :) He doesn't like to get dirty or rained on. That's what happens when you beautify them. They get prissy.
  7. Ok good to know. I think I ran across a thread where someone put an A10 gauge cluster in theirs. Probably the 210s Unite thread. It's been an education to say the least the last couple years of restoring Stanley (interior bits). Some 720 parts work (window cranks and auto shift knob), some 1200 parts but I never come across those, some Sentra parts (door hinge pins and bushings). Still learning and it's been good. I sometimes wish I had found this site sooner and had been smarter in treading yards years earlier to get things. Gotta keep Stanley going even if he is just a show queen now :)
  8. By the way, out of complete curiosity cause I'm still learning what models work with the 210, what parts from the 510 would work? I honestly don't see too many 510s in the yards. I think I've only seen 2 in all my junkyard diving.
  9. And why aren't you making it young man :sneaky: I'll be taking my camera so I'll post pics for everyone.
  10. Oh thanks he's all good now. I have spare body parts if I need them. Been molesting 210s at the boneyards for the last couple years now and taking spares of everything I can get. I can practically build Stanley a brother at this point :)
  11. He needed a couple head shots to make him think right :devil: There's supposedly a '79 510 at an LKQ in Wilmington. Just FYI. Not sure how compatible it would be with yours if there's anything left on it. Brett over at Rounsville restores old cars as well so he gets it. I trust people who restore cars more than just some auto body place. They're only open M-F though which kinda stinks but they're worth it. I just had my 210 over there a few months ago to get some nasty rust fixed. This was the first accident I had not long after getting the car. Stupid girl ran a stop sign and busted poor Stanley in the jaw. That was 24 years ago. My dad bought me the car and about 8 months later he passed away so the car means more to me than anyone's life. Rounsville fixed it up. Stanley's smile is forever crooked but there was nothing they could do to completely straighten him out. The second accident was about 13 years ago. Don't have pics from that one but it was worse. Front end damage. Needed a new hood, grill, radiator, bumper, the works. They had it about a month but they fixed him up nice that time. Rounsville pretty much gets the car every 10 years. What's funny is they always remember it :) I hope you get someone who does right by your 510. Do come on by anyway. We can form a posse to beat the fool up that hit your car :rofl:
  12. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuccccccckkkkkkk!!!!!!! Dude I'm sorry to hear that. Ignorant jackasses should be paying attention to where they're going. I've already vowed that the next person that hits my Datsun dies. It's a bit of ways out but if no one around LA can fix it (or is willing) call up Rounsville on Ward St. in San Bernardino. They fixed my 210 twice in the 20+ years I've had the car. They're pricey but they do amazing work. I hope the damage isn't too bad and you can get it fixed.
  13. Bwahahahaha!!! A little excited are we :) Come back tomorrow. We'll all be there. At least you got your test run in. You meant to do that right :console:
  14. Don't forget the one we had near Westwood last week. Ugh! Hate earthquakes. Sorry you can't make it :(
  15. What's with all these dang earthquakes?! I keep hoping we have one big enough to make all these new apartments they're building fall. Too many damn people here already!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. bananahamuck


      Hey if you see George Kennedy anywhere near you... you better start worrying..

    3. Radim


      Haha, I wouldn't mind then SoCal style can be Island Style!



    4. ruckycharms


      Maybe Dawa will float by in his submarine...

  16. Well hope you can drop by. I hope we don't have the massive earthquake that causes a tsunami. What is with all these quakes lately!?
  17. Company I've been working with for the last 6 months has offered me a staff position. I love this place so I think I'm going for it!

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      I signed the paperwork today. And I get weekends off to drive my Datsun :)

    3. r0p0doe


      Congrats, celebrate with a fun run ;) lol.

    4. Cleopatra Jones

      Cleopatra Jones

      That's the plan. Looking forward to the run :)

  18. I think by leaving SM at 9, or a bit sooner if we think everyone has shown, we should be able to make it up to Neptune's by then. Five days to go!
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