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Cleopatra Jones

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Everything posted by Cleopatra Jones

  1. ^^ True. NO woman is into the OBGYN. Ain't nothing pleasurable about that shit. If it weren't detrimental to our health we'd never go. EVER. ^^ Not true. Nothing was more unappealing to me than wedding rings and kids. Or "separated." Yeah right <_< No thanks. If you like drama then go for it.
  2. To the Petersen car museum for the Japanese cruise-in. More photos located in the Events thread for the Petersen.
  3. What time you all plan on getting to the Petersen?
  4. No I won't be making it to Canby this year :( I'll be using up all my vacation time for other things this year. I do want to get there. Maybe next year.
  5. Well, I'm definitely going to be there. The first one I went to wasn't crazy packed. That was a couple years ago. That Nismo concept car showing wasn't out of hand either. Will be interesting to see who and what shows.
  6. It's a car wrap. I would love to have that on my Pathfinder. It could only be made better if you had a torso mounted to the grille.
  7. I would LOVE a good brown dash top....and glovebox for that matter. I've got a NOS stereo cluster. Bought the last one Nissan had a few years back.
  8. Yeah we've been talking about it for the last 3 years of the 6 we've been together. He wanted to pay off his student loans first. Debt free is a beautiful thing. They'd been hanging over his head far too long. Glad I never had to take loans. A total meltdown. Sheesh.
  9. Argh! Darn link isn't embedding! It loses meaning when it doesn't embed.
  10. Bet it ain't as bad as my commute. Damn tourists, always in the way. You need to wear one of these: Fast dump? Sounds kinda nasty. I like 510s. As I noticed. Someone went around the bend. Geez..... :hyper:
  11. Ok, I just got through the other thread. Um, wow. Someone took a turn from Crazy St and went down Psycho Blvd. I love how I was called out for starting a thread I never started. Or Jamie for that matter. I believe it was Rosey. Some people's children. And now I gotta get caught up this thread.
  12. Oh hell! I missed your birthday Mike?! Happy belated birthday! I was in Hawaii, lying on the beach, working on my blackness. I got a shade darker. The husband (that's right, husband, of 3 weeks now) thought he was going to be darker than me by vacation end, poor delusional thing. He got pinker. Look a rainbow! And now I'm going back where I left off so I can catch up. What's all this about Laotsu and hacking?
  13. '81 210 automatic wagon at LKQ in Sun Valley. I took the tach, visors and a couple miscellaneous plastic pieces that didn't crumble to the touch. Dash is worthless. Brittle and now busted.
  14. Oh nooooo! :crying: I'm glad you're ok though.
  15. Hey looks like registration is open. Weird on their registration page they have the release of liability for the 2nd annual Nissan Jam even though this is the 3rd. I'm guessing they didn't remember to change it? Anywho, it's $35. I've registered already.
  16. The remodel is going to be ugly. I don't know why they are doing it. I RSVP'd.
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