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Dat Lurka

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Everything posted by Dat Lurka

  1. It is 1342, read my last post lol.
  2. New job is pretty swag. 42$ in the pocket.

    1. bananahamuck


      that`s pretty good wages,,,,,






      for a Thai sweat shop

    2. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      That's not wages. That's tips after gas.

  3. So yesterday I got called in to my new job. Driving around in my datto I saw not ONe but TWO! Z cars, a 280 and maybe a 260. The first time in my life I wasn't the only datto on the road. The 260 looking one was orange and ratty on my favorite road. Too bad there was some asshole in an element between us. Today I take my camera! Off to work to deliver the joy of pizza and calzones.
  4. I think dattos look silly with their little wiper studs sticking out with no wipers. If anyone needs some I have two stock 620 sets.. One is bare the other has a few flakes of purple paint on them. 20$ + shipping per set.
  5. Your car or your girlfriend?
  6. Where is it? Searched for pics, couldn't find any. Been charging my battery at night and running it off the bat all day.
  7. Ask for ID, they think I'm a cop. #StatutoryRapeProtection

  8. Yeah it has come a long way hasn't it. Charge light came back on. Will the voltage regulator keep it from charging?
  9. I was mistaken. It's 31 42
  10. I didn't say it was right.
  11. Just dumping this here DTP ^ it will outlive you lol Get a comfy smaller handle... At least for me it is. Magnetic ground clamp. 05 Dec DeleteDat Lurka :/ I already have replacements. Someone fished the 50ft leads through a hole in the wall and cut them for scrap. But the stinger is a nice size with a comfortable handle. Ground clamp is a brnad new massive solid copper one I found in the back of the shop. I have a refrigerator filled with sticks. I have no idea what I'm doing lol. 05 Dec DTP Ouch.... Keep your rod dry !! I keep mine in a toolbox next to my bed and take out what I need lololol (srysly) Wet/damp rod/wire welded for shit gas or not ... *light like a match *steady favorite hand holding stinger *45-degree angles are ideal OR keep heat isolated on thicker material of the 2. *tiny cursive c patterns... Push and roll as you go .. SLOWLY. *Always weld a little at a time and go SLOW :) 05 Dec DeleteDat Lurka thanks for the tips 05 Dec DTP *Angle magnets , soapstone , c-clamps , angle finders , welding vise grips , copper spoons , drill bits , center punches , paint pen , etc are all super useful. *cleaning surfaces before welding is important... Not neccessary for arc but MIG is. Look up YouTube. :) BTW flashburn is bad from ARC Welding. Be very careful. 05 Dec DeleteDat Lurka elbow gloves, full mask and goggles, and a friend who knows all the shit I don't. 05 Dec DTP Your welcome. Anywhere humidity can settle is the enemy of your rod. You can buy de-humidifier plug in wall devices but storing in living space is easier. Humid whether it be hot or cold = bad. Sheet-metal is difficult to weld with arc. I can weld huge gaps if older exhaust pipe with mine (won bets lol) but its only because I've practiced. It's certainly not pretty though haha. 05 Dec DeleteDat Lurka First project will probably be doing my own exhaust. I literally have a refrigerator filled with rods. It seals up better than my house I'm sure lol. 05 Dec DTP Lol send a few this way rofl Exhaust could be difficult if you can't get it to work for you ... You end up working for it. 3/32 rod is best for smaller gauge and thinner tubing. Vertical joints are easier for me to weld bottom to top. As low of a heat as you can pull off. Don't worry about run ... It will be stronger than it needs to be :) 1/8 rod is better for bigger stuff depending on type. Tack welding ... Letti... 05 Dec DTP Ng it cool to touch ... Then hold up ... Check ... Double check ... Final welds. If its too cold it will look like cat shit (mini) 05 Dec DTP The metal will shrink , stretch and pull during cooling. Key is ro hit opposing areas with the right amount of racks/welded. Thin old pipe is harder to weld if at all. 05 Dec DTP You can also torch through truck frames with 220v like butta Thanks DTP Today I shall complete my interior. I got an inverter, amp, sub, and a box for the center that I'm going to pad as an armrest.
  12. Just need them on the back with some tractor style long tread tires on the front. Half Track Datto
  13. Is that throttle body injection??
  14. ^ I have reached my quota of positive votes for the day
  15. Getting off Ratsun before you make me say something to get banned. Forever Nemesis.

    1. Show previous comments  17 more
    2. ArchetypeDatsun


      I know Lonnie! used to play COD online with him all the time i think hes in school.

    3. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      I <3 you Skib. One day we'll meet in person and we'll settle our differences with good beer and food.

    4. Dat Lurka

      Dat Lurka

      Also notice that you always start it ollz

  16. You're one of those few people who can really rustle my jimmies.

    1. squatches


      you own a jimmy now?! i used to have one it was awesome for pickin up fat bitches in


  17. I don't care. But on a side note, interior detailing.

  18. I'd almost bet on it, almost. When you're old and gray, and I'm slightly less old and gray.
  19. 6 speed would be awesome. I don't know what rear end I have. It's a 77 KC that was originally automatic. 40 sounds like a challenge B) The way I drive, 25+ is fine with me.
  20. I find good balance in my weaksauce l20b. It has just the right amount of power that I can keep it floored most of the time and still have total control. I'm currently working out my rebuild on paper. Trying to double my current 75~ hp. I've driven light, simple cars like 510's that aren't made to have 600 hp but did. It was scary as hell. By the time you're done with supporting mods you'll have an entire 510 minus the body ready to be reassembled and driven :rofl: But, you know what you're doing, and I don't. I just couldn't imagine doing all that work to build something that's been done over and over. You should put the v8 behind the seats. That's something I haven't seen in a 510.
  21. Wow! Really? At the cost of adding electronics to my engine..
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