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Everything posted by spudly13

  1. Fast? haha the car was just sitting for the last month or so. did all that stuff over the last few days.
  2. Tomorrows project Spent the last couple weeks Putting this back together with my new and improved motor. man I hate wiring though I don't have any pics of it finished, but the engine bay looks really good, and its pretty damn quick
  3. This was a total fail Ended up having to use a lot of clamps and a large propane weedburner to heat the 1/8in steel into the radiuses, lets just say it took awhile. [/url] Had to steel some parts off the old car... Traded in ALLL my l-series stuff.....
  4. Been having trouble trying to find time to work on my own stuff, but heres some pics
  5. Hey look who started a build thread! haha
  6. last year if i remember right all the parking was inside the event. Theres some other parking outiside but not much. What are you not driving the 510???
  7. Woah woah woah!!! hold on a second here.... haha Yeah.... but I spent to much on them to stuff them under a drift car! You have a PM
  8. Just talked to mike tolliver (the organizer), THE VENUE HAS NOT CHANGED, That was an old page from a few years ago and he said he will go delete it tonight!
  9. look what showed up today (just the fronts rears aren't available for a couple more weeks) to bad they sent me 4x100 :sneaky:
  10. Pretty sweet project! one day ill get around to finishing my z, I look forward to seeing where you go with this! keep it up!
  11. Bump! Only a couple weeks out, seeing who cant make it to canby and whos making it out to this?? ill be in my e30 :( (hopefully) but if anyones drivin down from up north let me know!
  12. that would be my next purchase..... haha
  13. ill go take a look at it, I know the drivers side is fucked, but the passenger might be salvageable, the whole front end was shifted over to the drivers side, but I think the frame rail could be saved, ill go take a look. Just some basic old 510 ones would do just fine, or whatever you might have laying around, preferably uncracked lenses, actually my lenses might be okay, and the trim can be whatever condition (so long as its straight), ill probally have them powdercoated, mainly need the inside buckets and outer trim, the buckets are all broken and the trim messed up from the very first accident. Let me know if you have any!!! Whens Blue lake??
  14. haven't posted for quite sometime, but don't worry work on it hasn't stopped! I just spent 1200$ on parts... holy smokes that stuff adds up fast, I have a new headliner, new door/window/trunk seals, new front turn signals, marker lights, bushings, and wheels in the mail. (although some are coming from japan and probably wont be here until the middle of next month) If any of you guys come across a reasonably priced rear tail light set up, complete with bucket and trim let me know. also on the hunt for a front bumper, the front hood trim, and the side trim that goes on the front fenders and a heater, (my fan broke a couple weeks before the crash).
  15. I don't know how I just came across this thread... so awesome! Heres my old engine bay
  16. Picked up this grill the other day, nothing special, but its in pretty good shape, polish it and paint the centers it should look pretty good! and for 75$ it was a fair price
  17. I dunno about my 2 month goal anymore... only have a couple hours to work on it each evening wasn't in my plans, I know I know, I got it easy. Sewing actually, I like the car better as lawn art.
  18. does it cough and sputter at all? or just nothing? try squirting gas down each carb, it should do something no matter how the carbs are set up, that's how I would always get mine going instead of cranking on it forever after taking the carbs apart. at least then if it does fire up it will help you narrow down the problem
  19. Final test fit, looking pretty good, going to pull it back off, make sure everythings cleaned up, and get it all clamped into place to start welding it in. I got a good, but bad phone call today, The last three summers ive worked construction for a general contractor, he called and He was asking when I was getting out of school, blah blah blah, anyway, im now leaving school immediately after class at 920 in Mt Vernon, and driving down to seattle to work the rest of the day. Cant complain at 20$ an hour, means more better parts! but also means less time to work on it... Goodbye social life! School, work, and then work on the car! Note that nothing is clamped down, so the gaps look a little big
  20. yes it is 15s, and for the record, the wheels im looking at are NOT xxrs, still knock offs, but a step above xxrs IMO
  21. ^^^ Good part of the full reasoning No offense, but im really tired of giving the full answer to this question. Long story short, You have to know when to cut your losses. The money and time it would have taken to fix that car, that had been in multiple accidents and had a significant amount of rust, would have been close to what I want to spend on this car. and there would have been zero gurrentees that car would ever be straight and track straight again. The car needed a full front clip, including significant firewall work, roof work, new frame rails, fenders, grill, valance, etc etc , the strut towers were pushed back (this is all just from the accident that totaled it, not to mention the previous damage to the car) and basically what it comes down to is it wasn't worth the time. I would rather spend my time building a new car that in the end will be way nicer and cleaner then (like I stated above) a car that is already fucked. Im a firm believer that with enough time and money, anythings possible, But there becomes a time to cut your losses, and im taking the opportunity (as shitty as it may sound) to build a better, cleaner, car. Yeah, metal would have been the better way to go... but I picked this up yesterday..
  22. :confused: Why would you go up on the mains? you want it richer then 12.5-13.7 afrs?
  23. Any exhaust shop "should" be able to do this for you. Just be clear about what your asking for.
  24. Did you get your overheating problem fixed? If you haven't already, put a thermostat back in, I bet that's the problem
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