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Seeker > 620 KC

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Everything posted by Seeker > 620 KC

  1. There's a 78 620 standard cab pickup in the Chula Vista PaP JY. They listed incorrectly it as a 79 210. The body is wrinnnnnnkly bad, every piece of sheet metal. Interior, outer trim and lights are gone, and door parts have been picked over. Wheels were thrashed after-market. But the short block, trans, drive shaft, and diff are still intact. The tailgate says 5 speed. I didn't climb under it, but did shine a light into tunnel cover and didn't see a 4 spd inspection cover, so I'd speculate it has a 5 spd in it. Couldn't test it as shifter was already gone. Windshield and door glass looked good, no back window due to camper shell.
  2. 487195207039616 Expires Sept 25, 2016
  3. A really nice 1980 200sx rolled up behind me today in my DD. Details in the Sightings forum.
  4. So I’m driving north on the I-5 after 9 AM in north county San Diego. Coming from a doctor appointment on my way back to work, contemplating my place in life. Cruising at a good clip in my DD, doing 75 + mph in the #2 lane heading through Encinitas, gazing out my peripheral vision to blue ocean on my left. I lazily wonder if I should take the fast lane and responsibly hustle back to work any faster or not. After glancing in my driver’s door mirror to see if the lane is clear… I don’t see any safety issues. But I notice I’m suddenly feeling really good like I’ve just visited with a very close friend I haven’t seen in years. Not knowing why I’m feeling that way I glance again to the mirror and see the usual streams of white, black, and silver cars trailing behind me. I refocus on the forward traffic and realize I’m still dreadfully on my way to work…when my brain catches up and it all comes together. Just about to pass me in the fast lane doing 10- 15 mph faster than me… is something very low to the ground, wide tires and a flat hood, square headlights staring at me with a familiar grill … is an exact silver twin to my 1980 200 SX! These first year 2nd gen 200SX’s with the big square taillights were only made one year and there weren’t a lot made. The whole 2nd generation were only made for 4-5 years so you hardly ever see them. I’ve never seen another going down the road, just a really rough one at a swap meet. This one was really complete with fresh paint and nice rims and tires. I followed him for a few miles on the freeway and was happy he took the same off-ramp as me. Followed him a couple more miles east when he took a left still going toward my work! What sleepy dumb-ass thing did I do next instead of seeing if he stopped some place public where I could talk with him a few minutes about his Datsun, and close to my work??? I turned into the shopping center for a breakfast burrito and killed the opportunity entirely. Its probably a good thing as he might have noticed me snapping pics and thought I was stalking his ride. But it sure made my day. I’m still excited.
  5. That is a great idea for our considerations! It is big, shaded, typically closed on weekends, something to consider if anyone knows someone in administration they could check with? I've worked for a couple school districts in my lifetime in bldg main, groundskeeping, and custodial. The problems that occur here, are there are a lot of state regulations apply regarding children's safety that still applies to weekends where kids go to play on the playgound equipment, or attend HS school practices or functions that still occur. Their priority is school functions and they won't reschedule for outside events. We would always be trumped, as it should be. Other state regs applies: No weapons of any kinds even pocket knives, no drinking, no smoking etc, etc, on school grounds. The rebel burn-outs would quickly draw "the law" in a residential neighborhood. Administrators are responsible to school boards and won't want to take the risk or want to deal with managing outside insurance (theirs won't cover non-school events, and they educators don't deal with insurance,) the schools are still responsible for security, if you can see their point from their business view. The North West Datsun PickUp BBQ is a much smaller event and lately held at what I think is a county park, maybe an unofficial event that just utilizes some of the park area. It is away from most residences, shade, benches and tables, all nice on a hot day. But if there was swap meet with trash and left over car parts to contend with they might not like us there so much. Also when there are sales some communities want their share and to get involved with vendor permits and the likes. Private property may be a better choice? I'm not a lawyer or commercial property owner so I'm not sure if private property exempts these events or not. Working for a city I just know what I've seen and heard happen. I'm thinking for a swap meet with old dirty parts (treasure!) maybe commercial areas away from shopping malls and residential areas? big parking lots like a trucking company, closed or open drive-in theaters (prob not good for lowered vehicles, eh? lol) , closed businesses who want the revenue? Or maybe just a different/larger park & ride? Love the ideas. Keep on brainstorming!
  6. Eagle Rock CA Swap Meet and Show 2016
  7. I too really like the idea of having more space... and its really easy to make the request for more space when you can't get your car out of the show when you've been showing it, or can't get out of a seller's space on a hot day. Just keep in mind a bigger event space typically means more rental costs and insurance costs to the organizer (Jose.) It could also mean he has to pay staff to operate the gates if it has more than one entrance. Which could easily mean he has to charge us more money to walk-in, and for a seller's space. Jose has to make back enough money from walk-ins and sellers to recover all his outlying operating costs, in order to keep our beloved event happening... three times a year! If he can't find a proportionately bigger space out of the eye of the discerning public ("ewww! Dirty car parts! Loud cars! Ick! ) proportionally manageable, and proportionally affordable (in So Cal where real estate is not cheap, even for a day) these changes could change the whole flavor of our traditionally cool, and low-key event. I second Jose's request. Lets keep our eyes open for other low-traffic-impact areas that might be workable sites for the future, and PM those ideas to Jose! Even if you thinkg the idea isn't a "go," it might generate other lines of thinking on other locations. I'm sure Jose won't be offended by your ideas & suggestions, if you're not offended he doesn't he readily glom onto your idea. He has a lot to consider, that we never think about. Like dips in the drive way, dips who live in he area, etc, etc. I live in San Diego which I'm guessing is too far. But in brainstorming, I'm thinking ...Other park & ride sites? County parks with a lot of open space & shade? Singular private industrial lots?
  8. Ta-Dah! He typically has them every 4 months on a Sunday. That would make the next one in November, probably the first or second Sunday since Turkey Day falls later that month. I may easily be wrong. (maybe because I was looking forward to it so, and was dissappointed to learn they're every 3 months vs. 4) but I thought this last one posted on the events page a bit later than usual. But even so he still got the word out a month in advance! Jose's great and networks with everyone. He'd love to have another seriously knowledgeable parts vendor like you with your luck of finding good stuff. You can always PM him if you're thinking about making it and haven't seen any details. I was selling left-over 620 parts at this past event to clear out some working space in my garage and make some project money. In my experience the So Cal guys aren't as vocal posting what they're looking for vs. OR or WA, but if you post a list in advance of what you've got for sale like I did, the ones needing it will typically either contact you or turn out to check it out. I was happily surprised to make a couple online sales from it ahead of the event this way. And there were a lot of guys at my space asking for typical parts I just didn't have, that I'm sure you probably would. If memory serves me I think Jose says he typically has 48-50 vendors at ER, but only a few with your volume. This time there were less, probably due to it being summer, kids out of school, vacations, the PM heat, etc.. But the lanes between the spaces were still filled with cars for show. It would be good to see you and your latest finds... maybe bring HahMuck along for grins? Maybe a little Cali sunshine or bikini beaches might brighten up his envious disposition? Sorry. Wasn't shouting, Didn't know how to resize.
  9. I come to most of the ER events from San Diego. And once I get there... am always grateful there is such a GOOD, low-key event, with so many knowledgeable Datsun sources, so close by, where I can find and sell parts and network with other Datsun affecianados to learn how to make these little vehicles so much fun. But of course, before every event I always grump to my wife first, about having to get up at 3:30 AM, load the truck, and having to make the 2 hour drive, just to get a good spot next to my friends spaces. She reminds me it is no different than getting up, and prepping, and hauling to catch the boat to go deep sea fishing, and I never complain about that. But I still grump for every show. Then I learned last Sunday that there is a whole bunch of regular sellers (7-8, some whom I already know) that trek all the way down to Eagle Rock for these shows from... San Jose / SF Bay area! I'll never grump to my wife about prepping for an ER show again. You bay vendors are hard-core, and I greatly appreciated you for making the long trek down, and adding so much to the event.
  10. For any hot climate 620 guys installing AC ... I I'll also be bringing 620 AC center vents, outer days AC hoses, and the shorter AC glove box that was the orig Nissan in-dash AC.
  11. I'd bet BananahaMuck is accurate with the translation, but I think Ted has the right to pronounce it "Ta-dah!" or any other way he wants when he shows up those those really hard to find parts!
  12. Drat foiled again on that idea. I may ruin a small rubber part by boiling it, and could ruin the plastic wire, but the one I'm trying to remove is broken, so it would be a good one to experiment on and see. Thanks Daniel for the better suggestions and keeping me from wasting my time!
  13. 4753341641055157 expires on August 28, 2016
  14. Too complicated? Sorry. I was trying to be concise. Arm rest console only. No center console
  15. Does anyone know if this would work on mineral deposits from water build up? I'd like to try in on an old pot metal antennae housing, but not if it will make it brittle. Lime away and CLR couldn't get into the press fit between the mast and the metal housing.
  16. Here's list of 620 parts I'll have at Eagle Rock Swap Meet Sunday. I'll get there before sun-up to get a good spot and do my own shopping. Need new tires to get my 620 off the stands and out on the road, Come buy what you need and help me get back on the road? Long red jack rod Red jack handle Dash, missing gauges & bezel, pad is uncracked, but has two small edge chips on windshield side. Glove box door Ash tray and mount AC center Dadh vents and outer hoses, and shorter glove box Dash pads - cracked, by themselves for you DIY guys Radiator - new Arm rest console - by itself Gauge cluster- by itself King Cab Opera Windows Hand brake lever mech Gas pedal assembly and cable Brake pedal assembly and switch Heater cables with fan switch Coil Dash switches, defroster vents, other dash parts 79' 620 KC Intermittent wiper switch, relay, & wiring harness heater cover Service manuals by Nissan for: 1975 B210, 1980 80 200SX, 1983 720 Set of Z ST Wheels with center caps Strut tower stabilizer bracket for 300 Z, Molly? Length appears the same as a 200 SX.
  17. My fav So Cal swap meet! I'll be there with 620 parts.
  18. Yeah, I can never load pics from my iIPad. Sorry. Has anyone ever replaced/rebuilt the water control valve in one of these heater units? If so do you know if the internal parts are the same as a 620/720? The metal hose barb ends of this heater core are really corroded and misssing some material, so I'm thinking this one could be shot. Hoping the one in the vehicle is in better condition. Has anyone ever redone all the foam connector hoses and ends where it meets the defroster ends and such? I found some white foam at an upholstery shop, but am not sure it will hold up to the sunlight or age as well as the darker colored foams. Know if there is any difference?
  19. Has anyone ever replaced the heater control valve in a 2ng gen 200SX? Complex! Does anyone know if the inside parts of the heater valve are the same as the 620 &/or 720? See my post in "80 200SX Owner here!"
  20. finally found an 80 SX in a junkyard in Santa Fe Springs, CA. Picked a bunch of parts to keep mine running. Was stoked to find it had a replacement 1 piece driveshaft with the parts ID tag still on it! Took that for sure, also got a back up gauge cluster, ignit switch, The two things that don't work on my SX are the orig elec antenna and the AC. Was surprised the orig antenna unit was still there, with a broken mast, but the motor looked good, took that. One of the heat/AC control cables is always coming un-clipped. Tried adjusting and replacing it 4 times now. Put a new compressor in it, but Don't want to waste my cans of R--12 on it if it isn't 100% ready. I got to the yard when they opened at 7:30 and was there till nearly 4:00 in 85 degree heat. Found some floor mats & jackets to cover all the glass, removed the front seats, opened the side windows and sun roof and I had nice shady shelter where I could work to pull the dash and study the massive network of blower unit, heater, unit, AC evaporator and ducts that go everywhere. Took all three units and talked the cashier into believing the three units made a "heater complete" as their website stated on their price list. I was hoping to rebuild this one, then just swap them out. URL=http://s1173.photobucke I didn't turn the heater core over till I got it home and saw this, yikes! Now I'm thinking the heater valve is probably sluggish or stuck on the one currently in my car too, causing the opposing cable on this same heater control cable to jump out of the clip holder repeatedly. Has anyone done this or replaced all the foam on all the hose connectors and unit gaskets? URL=http://s1173.photobucket
  21. Yep, that's why I only buy the dead ones that are on their way to the scrapper otherwise
  22. 1stgen200, There's a 1st gen 200sx in the El Cajon (San Diego) pick a part listed as a B-210. There's a pic on their website. For you 2nd gens like me, There's a 2nd gen (1st year 4/1980) sedan at the Rancho Santa Fe PaP (near Anaheim) also pics on that loc website. I saw this one today if you want to PM me for details.
  23. I picked over the 200sx in Santa Fe Springs pretty good today. I took the heater & AC from interior. The body is complete and has nice glass, motor & trans still there.
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