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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. I'm familiar with Dago Red. And In Korea,we wished we kept the Jug and scrapped the Mustang. Another side note: In total aircraft destroyed,the title goes to the Thunderbolt.
  2. Bunch of non-sequiturs here. If the B/C's were faster then the unlimited/Reno guys would be using them. And mustangs were never built for low-level missions. When Mustangs were down on the deck it was on their way back from escort jobs and or towards the end and they had nothing else to do. Funny side note: The highest scoring Ace's in both theatre's didn't fly Mustangs.
  3. Interesting as this was long after the discovery that camouflage did nothing except weigh the plane down and lower performance. I've been reading about Mustangs for 50 + years now.I've never heard the B/C preference before. Doesn't add up as the D model was superior.
  4. Walker Super Turbo. Quiet cruise, but barks when you put your foot into it. Loud usually equates to loss of HP,so enjoy slowing down.
  5. Interesting terminology you use. I have my Dad's "Sporterized" 303 in the safe. I have no issues with running surplus ammo thru it. And to those who have not fired one of these things, after you do, you have a whole new respect for those guys who had to fire one ALL DAY LONG.BTW-do ya know what happens to a duck when it is hit squarely with a .303 round?:0
  6. the B-24 was only 16 MPH faster than the B-17.The difference was even less when you factored in altitude & loaded/un-loaded. WHen it came to bugging out-they were neck & neck.THe B-24 did have a greater payload and longer range(Read up on Ploesti).The B-17 actually had a higher ceiling but the point is moot account ALL the planes flew one altitude on a mission. And flak & the fighters could reach higher altitudes regardless. The B-17 had a better "survival rate" and when the war was over and they "ran the numbers",the B-17 had a better "mission availability rating" due to it's more reliable design.
  7. Air marshalls were on flights starting in 1962. And there were no "jack booted thugs" involved in the United incident.
  8. Guard is carrying a grease gun. Interesting as I thought production ended with the end of the 2nd WW.
  9. Took a cab from LAX to Redondo years back. The driver a was a retired Russian air Force Colonel. When one of these things went down-they sent him to find out why. He had a photo album with him. Most interesting cab ride of my life.
  10. The more I learn about tires today, the more I wonder just how I lived thru the shit I did on Bias-plies in the 70's.According to the stats, I shouldn't have.
  11. Hey DM-No longer do you Canuckastani's get to make fun of the states: https://www.lifesitenews.com/news/breaking-ontario-unanimously-passes-radical-lgbt-bill-redefining-parent-chi?utm_source=LifePetitions+petition+signers
  12. Just read an interesting article on the Broom-handle Mausers. It turns out that they exported a whole crap load to China.Then the Chinese started knocking them off( surprise).But they also built a .45 ACP Broomhandle. HAs anyone ever seen one?
  13. Merkel needs a 30.06 size hole in the back of her head.
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