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Everything posted by Z-train

  1. It's when you fall asleep reading a book.
  2. A factory Electronic Distributor is SUPERIOR to Pertronix in every measurable way.
  3. Completely, 100% un-enforceable.And even if it were enforceable,you who would stop the passage of a law like that? Take a guess. Seriously.
  4. Looks familiar... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cCQnRKPIYZc#t=239 Video from the show I shot my pictures at.
  5. Check the bottom of the door.There are several drain holes.If these are open,it is not coming from the door.If there were no gaskets at all and the truck was sitting in the rain(downward rain-not wind-driven),no water should enter the cab from the doors. Get someone to run water from a hose on the roof of the cab while you're inside with a flash light.
  6. Not for long. http://www.collingsfoundation.org/ma_FockeWulfFwF8.htm
  7. I know-but back then it REALLY pissed people off.
  8. You forgot the part about you couldn't "pull" the motor-you had to lift the car and drop it out from underneath.
  9. Yes,It was the "Jug"(505 MPH).That variant was being designed to chase down "Buzzbombs"(V-1s).No Mustang or Corsair went over 500 MPH in level flight during the war.
  10. Water getting past the door gaskets shouldn't make it into the cab.Look elsewhere.
  11. Trivia time: First prop driven aircraft to exceed 500 mph in level flight?
  12. Not that this would effect you or I-but we forgot "makeup".
  13. Agreed. But until they out-law the following: GPS/Nav systems Power windows Seat controls Climate controls Radios/tape decks/CD player CB radios MDTs I'll keep talking on my cell when needed.
  14. Gotcha covered.............https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=izN1KQFnYa0
  15. GM poached the PT cruiser designers from Ma MOPAR and the HHR was the best they could come up with.
  16. No-there never can be enough said about this piece of shit.In addition to the obvious,it is also a metaphor for GM's decline.
  17. Z-train


    Did you leave it stock or did you change the curve?
  18. Get a FSM-forget Haynes.Your life afterwards will thank you.
  19. Yep-I'd love to have one too.
  20. Z-train

    Denver 620

    You can measure the height of the head on the block if need be with calipers.I THINK factory spec for that head is 4.260 new and 4.245 minimum.A machine shop should have the specs.
  21. Yep...missed the "Perth".Just saw the "WA".
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