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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Psh I rocked three lugnuts per rims for months. All the ballers do it.
  2. Id love to take the wagon L20 off your hands, but times arent right. I already texted you pictures of the wheels you should pick up; they will look fantastic! Then you can rub them in Laecons face that yours are nicer.
  3. Man, this wagon has so much powder work. This thing will be nice once its done.
  4. My phone died... its charging now, let me go check.
  5. :crying: So I had what I thought was a pretty goof interview today with a machinist shop. I want to thank Josh K. for the recommendation... After a bit of talking, we said he would look over my paperwork and would give me a call. Said he might be able to get me in on Monday (fingers crossed, because that would be cutting it close for paying bills. I have a few other leads on making some cash so Im hoping that will pan out.
  6. Haha thanks for the tip... Im not on the submarine anymore, so body odor isn't an issue. Well, if things couldn't get worse this month, my wallet has been stollen. It's partially my fault. I went running early this morning and since my shorts do not have pockets, I had to leave my wallet in the car. They pried my sunroof open and took my wallet, the jacket it was hiding in, and a laptop bag with non-important papers. It could have been worse I guess... Hey could have broken a window, my laptop could have been in that bag, or i didn't just happen to have new credit cards already on hand (they expired in June so I just activated the new ones and cancelled the old). It took me a bit to fix the sunroof with the extra hardware set I had, but now I have no ID and I lost $37. This is not my month.
  7. It is tougher to remove, I will give you that.
  8. Youre willing to help out so much you double posted?! :P JK Time to get some sleep as Im headed tomorrow morning to get a proper haircut and then off to search for jobs!
  9. I dont know why you should be... out of all the pan replacements Ive ever done, Ive never had one leak on me. And I dont really use RTV, as Ive always used Toyotas FIPG personally. Never a leaky pan and Ive even bashed a pan pretty good once on some debris in the road. I felt it was hard enough that I should have messed up the seal, but the FIPG kept it together long enough for me to safely get home and fix it. I havent built an engine without it since.
  10. The only thing I really use RTV for is the oil pan.
  11. Well glad youre OK... did you figure out what caused the fire?
  12. Yeah, I have one at the shop and use it all the time... it takes like 5sec to use and they want the charge me fucking $90. I work in the office at the shop and can run the tool, Im not paying that shit. Theyre not fooling anyone.
  13. I appreciate the compliments on the build thread. Im pretty happy with her so far!- and I will be hard-pressed to give it up.
  14. The engine is just sweating... dont worry about that.
  15. Good to know. Thanks for the information Mike!
  16. Ive been getting many thanks all day for being in the service. I just got out after six and a half years... its time to pass the torch on to my fellow service members. I know first hand what a sacrifice it is, so thank you for continuing to fight so that I no longer have to. Do you guys celebrate some sort of Memorial Day in Canada?
  17. I will not be accepting donations right now... Im still fighting. If I have no options then we can go from there and figure out if I have to start turning tricks or something.
  18. Thanks a lot everyone, it means a lot to have a lot of supporters that dont actually know me in person. Thats why I I have 28 pages of build thread on Ratsun and like 4 on The Realm. This place is home.
  19. All cash offers will be seriously considered.
  20. Wait... youre at TMF? I thought it was a different company...
  21. Looking at your title and picture, you do CNC work yourself. Do you happen to have a direct experience with them? I am decently mechanically inclined and looking at TMFs services, it looks like an awesome place.
  22. With all the stress lately, I forgot they do that... Thanks Carlos.
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