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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. She will never be damage goods.
  2. Ive been viewing this thread on my phone so I could never tell where you were located. By your conviction that there are zero Datsun parts I assumed you lived in Maine or Rhode Island... come to find out you live in California :blink: California is like probably the highest concentration on Datsuns in the country. Im sure you could easily find something suitable if you put forth some effort. Get the truck home and situated and take care of some of the body/interior issues while youre looking for a good frame and engine. Im sure it will come up. Or you can get someone to meet you halfway that does have one for sale. It would probably be cheaper in both time, effort, and money than these non-Datsun swaps youre trying to accomplish.
  3. I have no input on 1200 stuff :( I always enjoy progress oics though...
  4. Tristin


    You want to purchase four bumpers? Do you want four front bumpers or four rear bumpers?
  5. LAUREL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it. Favorite car of all time, hands down.
  6. Yes. Its some version of the car that wasnt available here; its like the Coupe. That Scirocco was brought over by some guy stationed in Germany for the Army. Was some special addition of something and theres something like like than 10 in the States (or so I heard). It wasnt just some run-of-the-mill VW.
  7. Ive seen Civic radiators used in many different applications. I use it as a basic DIY universale radiator. You can get a Civic half radiator in a 3in core for fairly cheap. I ran one in my last Evo pushing 450+ hp with no overheating. Only issue is hoses... I ran Russell ProClassic line so it wasnt an issues, but that was a high dollar option that most dont want to do.
  8. Theres a 620 in a local yard that still has its radiator. You pay for the radiator, my time, and shipping and I can get it down to you. Thats if you need one that bad.
  9. If you were closer I would buy that in a heartbeat... its worth way more than youre asking price IMO. I hope this goes to a good home.
  10. Pure fucking gold Mike... Shitty that Im guilty by associating with JRock, but whatever. See you guys at New Years I guess :bye:
  11. At least a rusted hood and bike rake is way cheaper than a boso theme. In the end everyone still hates you... but you saved a few dollars.
  12. You should shark-nose the 620... then convert it from quad-rounds to the tilted square headlights.
  13. Speaking of which, there was a website that compiled all the facebook posts that had mentions of specific acts (being high, crazy drunk, fuck work, etc.). You could view everyone that was posting about being high and the site could possibly be used by officials or your employer for reprimand.
  14. Gross. There was a guy on S|W (go figure right?) that had a true European import Scirocco. Guess those are uber rare stateside. Anyway, he wanted to make it "hood rat" until too many people complained saying it was too nice a car. So he said to honor its heritage he wouldnt do that, but want to go all boso on it. Flares, crazy exhaust, and oil cooler. So I asked him: Youre going to honor a rare European car by stylizing it in a hated Japanese theme? :confused:
  15. This was awhile ago... nothing recent. Like I said, I can handle the fact that the tow straps he was using wouldnt fit behind my tires because they were so close to the struts and that he had to jack up the car because it was so low. I made it that way and Im sorry. But to bash an owner of a common feature on a car is just ridiculous. He was beyond rude. He went so far as to say that if he heard about a Datsun over the CB, he would purposely flatten his own tire so he didnt have to come out and help. Im sorry you had to tow a car tow truck driver. Feel free to go back and fall asleep in the Albertsons parking lot awaiting your next call.
  16. I never was talking about that specific example. It was to the majority of the posts in here...
  17. I think this is just your go-to threat lately... you yelled at me for doing it... now you are yelling at him. You need to quit. No one is stalking you; youre not cute enough.
  18. I have and its still the same concept. Theres a difference between customers who have no clue what they are trying to buy (ignorant) and people who come in and act like a douche. Minimum wage pay is no incentive to deal with asshole customers beyond the initial try to help and be pleasant. You try and then see nothing will change so you give it. Im not dealing with it for minimum wage. But if someone came in to the Target/Kmart/Sears that I worked at and didnt know the different between metric and standard wrench sizes or course I would explain and try to help. I wouldnt want them buying the wrong thing. This specific attitude reminds me of a getting a tow last. Guy came out and asked if the car was auto and rear-wheel drive. I said yes, most Datsuns are RWD. So he just complained that the dispatcher didnt tell him he needed to car dolly it. Then just bitched and complained the whole like it was my fault and was an asshole. If you dont like towing cars, maybe you shouldnt be a tow truck driver. Ill take the credit for having a lowered car... those are a little more difficult to trailer, but to be an asshole because my car is RWD? Fucking stupid. You dont like what you do, then quit.
  19. Oh wow... that looks like a great deal. I would recommend throwing up a few more pictures. GLWS.
  20. I've always torched the old bushings out. Some people drill a bunch of holes or slice through them with a dremel. Then peel them out. I like the torch method personally.
  21. That's what I like to hear...selling the crappy 70+ for the sweet 68! I approve.
  22. I feel the same way... There's a difference between shitty customers and ignorant customers. As an individual being paid Ina specialized field ( read: car parts), unfortunately you have to deal with the people that only use their car for Point A to Point B duties and think they need to fill up on headlight fluid. But guess what?- that's why you get paid to work the counter. You don't have to go out and run a compression check on their engine or install the alternator they just bought, but if they're struggling over an automotive concept or have a question.., you're the go-to guy for that shit.
  23. You could flip the face and then run them in the rear. Bring the rears up to the front. Either way they are pretty sweet. With all the braking you're going to be doing on the track, what's your plan for better brakes that fit inside those 13s?
  24. Lol yep. That L16 in good running form should be pulling 25-28 mpg all day with a 5spd behind it. I think I've seen a few members report 30-32 mpg with a few of their builds.
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