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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Is this still a thing? The thread is 2 yrs old.
  2. I thought the entire point of Insomniacs was cool pictures...
  3. Theres already a thread on posting pictures. No one reads it.
  4. At first I was like "Ugh... another fucking Leno idiot trying to buy a 510 with 1 post." Then I realized it was you. Thank God. Good luck with the hunt. Ill keep an eye out for you.
  5. Early 521s still used J-series. Edit: I posted while you were edited it looks like.
  6. The answer was already posted... calm down. His statement wasnt directly aimed at you, but the multitude of new people that show up here and have no idea how to post pictures. It happens something like 90% of the time...
  7. I think you meant to say single point. Early L16s (like my '69 510) are single point. They then switched to dual point. OP, take off the dizzy cap and look inside. If its single point, then run the wire from the coil to the outside prong that is connected to the points. If its dual points, then you can run it to either one as Dat Soon mentioned.
  8. Is it two lock cylinders or two pairs of lock cylinders?
  9. All items for sale require a price... even if its OBO. Good luck with the sale.
  10. You might want to revise your title... it makes it sound like youre trying to purchase a car. Good luck with the hunt.
  11. [ img ] code... it can be a little more difficult posting from a phone. Youre not the only one that does it.
  12. Just Datsun seats... nothing crazy. Not a fan of the mixed styled seats in the car.
  13. WHY DO PEOPLE POST MOBILE PHOTOBUCKET PICTURES?!?!?!?!?! They are so tiny... what are they, made for ants? They need to be at least 3 times as big!
  14. Now I dont even know what youre talking about... On a different note, since it looks like both of us as going to it, finally I can give you your FSM. Its only going to take until August lol
  15. Tristin

    Hidden thread

    You must be new to the Internet. Heres a throwback that looks like garbage by todays standards... http://www2.warnerbros.com/spacejam/movie/jam.htm
  16. Is this going to be the new thing? Everyone just wants bench seats now? Make sure you pick up some yellow head lights and a drift charm while youre at it.
  17. Oh... People are still doing that joke? I figured it would have been played out in 1792 when the Puget Sound was named :rolleyes:
  18. If youre going to fit one, make sure the shifter doesnt hit the seat.
  19. Tristin

    Hidden thread

    Wow... that site was beyond needlessly animated.
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