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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Its already done and available on the IPBoard support forum. I would happily install and maintain it... anything to help strengthen the forum community.
  2. That seems like a lot of effort that a simple plugin could handle...
  3. Theres a plugin for this forum for feedback ratings. Mods have talked about.
  4. I thought thats what the feedback thread is for...
  5. Too much fapping after he saw how good Jessis goon came out after buffing ;)
  6. Tristin


    Yeah, the BW is on the drivers side.
  7. So is this just a bash JDMFlares thread or a list of everyone that needs to be banned for poor business practices? :confused:
  8. At temp its just above half for myself. If after all youve done its still reading too hot, get ahold of a IR thermal gun and check what the real temperature is. You could just have a bad gauge.
  9. Id be there if it wasnt my Reserve weekend. Ill there next week for sure.
  10. Tristin


    Possibly. I have both a JATCO and a BW column shift assembly. I havent looked at the L4N71B to see which side the gear selector is on... depending on which side its on, will determine which assembly I try to modify since they are opposites.
  11. Tristin


    Well yes, I will need to modify the linkage. I just want to see if I can personally make the changes to run it. If I can, then Ill swap one in.
  12. Yes in pretty sure they are exactly the same size.
  13. Haha yeah me too. I've seen a couple turbo builds. They're pretty mean... 150cc swaps with small turbos on like 8lbs :devil:
  14. Very interesting. Ive always assumed they were just used by rally guys. Good to know.
  15. I remembered one being for the auto and I couldnt remember the others. I havent been able to find my FSM so I havent confirmed. Im thinking it could be both are going out/are out... I had some issues with my reverse lights being on at all times. I just unscrewed the bulbs as a quick fix and completely forgot about it until you just mentioned it. Whats a common replacement for the relays up there? Im sure they cant be expensive to just buy some 12v relay. Yeah its near the door. Its like the seem where the floor pan meets the door sill. Ill snap a picture, its obvious where the water is coming in. Its an odd place for water to be coming out though, so Im sure Ill have to do some hunting for the source.
  16. The front seems to be take care of... its now coming in slightly through the passenger-side sill plate area (under the door). Theres a seam there and there a bit of water coming out of it. Im not in too much rush to fix that one as with something like 6hrs of rain, only a bit came in. The holes in the front had the floorboards flooding up to an inch or more of standing water. Ill snap a picture tomorrow of the location of the new leak.
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