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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. He specifically said he was going to in another thread... GTFO of here with your comments. No one cares.
  2. It just makes sense that a lot of the guys that spend a lot of time here dont want to see it go downhill. Im sure there are a few guys willing to step up and help out...
  3. Because theres a new classifieds section.
  4. I might have to go smooze Q as there were a couple of things I wanted in this add but was 3 minutes late to bid :(
  5. You can set it up so that people have to have a specific number of posts for certain sections. You can also block out users from seeing certain places as... the Mods could have their own section that we cant see where they discuss everything. Same concept.
  6. I would second the thought of promoting some of the older more senior guys to mods... even on a trial basis if you guys cant handle the workload. This place is suppose to be fun and a community and not a job. Mike, I remember you mentioning in another place that sometimes it takes you an hour of mod stuff before you can even get around to surfing. That seems like too much... I would vote you add another guy to the team to help. Im sure it was just for testing purposes ( :rolleyes: ), but what is the process for featured ads and such?
  7. I thought I knew who this was, but turns out its a completely different guy with the same looking car... I might have to go up there and talk to him.
  8. Totally correct. They seem to make the worst ricer examples. Stereotypes exist for a reason.
  9. Yeah I got your email. Completely understandable on wanting to make more money. Good luck with your Canby sales!
  10. Yes. The area I live in has many military members so there are a lot of out of state plates. I live in between two submarine bases where one houses a marine detachment as well.
  11. Another glorious neighbor in my apartment building:
  12. Does this include the order I sent in?
  13. Neighbor in my new apartment building. Other than the window banner, its pretty clean: Local tattoo parlor shop car: (Minty making a cameo)
  14. After a quick Google search it looks like one was started in 2011.
  15. Exactly... the artist gave away the rights. Just because its his car doesnt mean he has the rights to it. Its because the artist gave him the rights to it.
  16. Lol unfortunately the World doesnt work like that haha. Artists retain all rights to any creative works unless they are given away by choice.
  17. Ill have to think about a for sure decision on that question, but as I just quickly spit out an answer: I would accept returns on my dollar if I mess something up or the product is inferior. If you just change your mind and want a different size or feel you dont want an item anymore, youll have to pay for shipping all over again (both ways). Thats my current answer... we shall see how it works out once this gets rolling.
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