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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. No problem. Let me know if you have any questions on creation of any design work. Its what I do for a living and am currently in school for it as well.
  2. All items can me shipped to me and Ill make sure they get to his house :angel:
  3. No you dont... if anyone deserves being neg rep'd more than you, I havent met him yet.
  4. The blue one looks a bit busy to me and the text on the crown image is hard to read. I wont comment on style or content since Im not in the scene youre talking about. The R logo looks decent though...
  5. Well good luck with your business venture.
  6. WIll there ever be an answer for this?
  7. Yes there are white specs all over your images. What camera are you shooting these with?
  8. Tristin


    P... youre slacking on emailing me. Im sure I can knock this out in an evening once you send me some quality photos.
  9. Doing "race cars" now? Neon Fucking baby race do... DO WANT!!
  10. No offense taken, Im a big boy... I was surprised no one said anything either. Though, Laecaen was the first to suggest more mods and not me ^_^
  11. Well, Id love to work something out if you decide to get rid of it. My backseat is perfect except I have no cover... If you pass along on the creme, Id love to take it all and give it a good home.
  12. I love the Evo vortex generator :wub: :sick:
  13. Thats Jons big head if Ive ever seen it...
  14. So I see that your interior is all black, but you have a creme back seat. Would you be interested in parting with that seat if I sourced you a black one? Im dying for a creme back seat.
  15. Yes, its in the new Classified section.
  16. It seems like theres lots of ways to filter out spam, but it seems like the root of the issue is too much bullshit across the forum for the mods to handle. You guys should just find another sucker member and knight that bitch to mod to help out. Then everyone can get back to Datsuns and looking at tits.
  17. Psh... you dont even show the ZG part. Now it just looks like a 2+2 :(
  18. Yep, anything shorter requires a spacer...
  19. Specializing in one thing is always wise... then you can always branch out later. Just make my shirts and then quit ;)
  20. Calm down and give people a chance to answer... its not fucking life or death.
  21. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/39512-strut-insert-and-rear-shock-guide/
  22. Youre the one that said it not me man... you said you were just going to pad your account to sell your Z and then all of a sudden youre in here making like five posts in a row. If youre actually coming out of the woodwork to contribute, then welcome and were glad to have you around :) I bet you would break the 25 post limit if you posted an intro thread so people knew who you were. Then people wouldnt just assume youre here to offload your crap.
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