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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. I have a Matchbox Datsun 126x (box and car both in great condition) Garage Bluebird t-shirt
  2. Thats good. I would recommend that if youre going to keep doing this then: 1. I would learn to do the work yourself... then you wont have to rely on someone else for your designs. Eventually (if all works out for you), you will have so many designs or such complicated designs that your friend will get sick of you. For all that work, you might have to start paying him. 2. I would recommend using Illustrator and not Photoshop (if I only had to choose one program). Tshirt companies like the vectors that only Illustrator creates. Giving them the Photoshop files makes more work for them and they will charge you more accordingly.
  3. Somehow I never saw it. I even had the linkage pieces in my WTB thread. Oh well, at least you made some money :thumbup:
  4. Damn it! I didnt know you had one of those... Ive been looking for one :( Damn noobs.
  5. Tristin

    Post Your 521.

    Agree. Maybe they are just hard to come by down there or he was working on a stereo system. Sounds like youre just being a hater. That truck is absolutely gorgeous. Only thing I would change would be to remove all the window stickers. Sounds like you cant appreciate a truck when yours isnt the center of attention :poke:
  6. Tristin

    Post Your 521.

    Looks like its an FRP spoiler similar to the ones run on other J-tin cars. I would bet it was for another car like a Hako or something that was split down the middle, shortened, and then glassed back together for a custom fit. I love the wood in that bed. Gorgeous truck.
  7. Tristin

    Post Your 521.

    That looks like a color matched VW MKI lip, but without seeing the center of it I cant be certain. Unfortunately, I have no other pictures. Let me try to hunt some down from where I got that . Dont worry about Tanker... he has stupid looking ideas as well. Ill see what I can do about more info for you.
  8. Yep. You need to weight the situation with the final result. Is all the effort of talking to a supervisor, filling out more paperwork, waiting extra time for a larger refund, etc. really worth it? If the extra cash makes up for all that effort then by all means. But if youre not out any money then I say just fuck it. It was obviously an accident and wasnt due to his carelessness.
  9. I dont know if thats really worth all the effort. I would say that if youre not out any money and the negotiations were decent (he wasnt a total d-bag), then I would just drop it. The important thing is they paid for it.
  10. Are you making the tow company pay for your gas tank?
  11. If JRock is a mod, whos going to ban JRock?
  12. Lol yeah, thats not going to happen haha. Back on topic though... once again, good luck with your shirts DatMo. Im sure whatever you do itll come out fine as long as you put some solid effort into it.
  13. Nope, never asked. I did say that once someone already brought it up that people would like it more than they expect... because then they wouldnt have to hear me say "wrong section" or "repost" and the such as I would just move the threads myself without ever saying anything. People would stop hearing me complain. Only time I brought it up. But like I said: I dont care who is a moderator. I just want someone who will put in some effort and do a good job (not to say that the current mods arent working hard. I know they are)
  14. Sensor cleanings through Nikon shouldnt be too much. Ive sent in many a Canon DSLR to be cleaned before and it wasnt a whole lot.
  15. Yep. Grab a rocket cleaner and maybe a lens pen. Cleaning a sensor can be a little dangerous so make sure you know what youre doing. The rocket should help out a lot though and they are pretty cheap.
  16. I wont apologize for being an active and participating member. Feel free to block my posts if you dont like it...
  17. All joking aside the neg rep button was useful. Im actually a pretty fair guy. Ive been a successful mod/admin for 5 previous sites, but Im not petitioning myself at all... Ive never actually asked to be a mod. Every else always brings it up because I already police the forum. I could not care less who becomes a mod as long as they do a god job. My only desire is for Ratsun to be a good site.
  18. Thanks. That would be my company logo.
  19. Let me see what I have for some of the last logos I did:
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