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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. Thanks for the info and hard work Thomas.
  2. Tristin


    Sounds good. Ive been doing graphics work for the last couple days, so Ill fit you into the workflow.
  3. Tristin

    610s unite!!!!!!

    No worries. I wouldnt say that I invented putting a car on a tshirt. Feel free to design away. The 610 text looks a bit awkward where its at, but I love the concept.
  4. Not even important. Lots of people (including me) get positive feedback from posting pictures. Positive feedback don't mean jack now that there's no neg rep (not that I'm saying we should bring it back...). A warning would have been nice, but this is a classifieds thread. Not a thread on whining about being banned. Was the time-limit adjusted for editing for sale threads? If not, it would be impossible to mark items sold in a group thread.
  5. Tristin

    610s unite!!!!!!

    I think he was a member and posted these in a thread and everyone tore him apart...
  6. Tristin

    610s unite!!!!!!

    Wow... those are way larger than I thought. I also lowered it by request.
  7. Tristin

    610s unite!!!!!!

    Im debating on color for black shirts
  8. Tristin

    610s unite!!!!!!

    That was something I thought of doing... Someone asked about black shirts so here is the design on black... also made it red just to see a different color:
  9. Us common-folk dont have the option to select "featured."
  10. Tristin

    610s unite!!!!!!

    So here is something Ive been working on today... thoughts? PS. The "Bluebird U" is actually a separate vector as well, so I can use it for future projects.
  11. Wow... missed that one. But back to on topic. So once again, whats the deal with featured ads? I noticed that Skibs 240 is no longer such so Im assuming its something that was being tested and we wont use it?
  12. Do want... perfect mint green '69 521 to add to my mint green '69 510.
  13. So what was the problem? I know you swapped ECUs, but it still wasnt running great. What did you do to fix it?
  14. http://community.ratsun.net/topic/53268-top-5-mods-for-a-620/
  15. Just buff that shit out yo.
  16. +1. It was a little too short notice for me. Maybe next year though. Next year its on a Saturday, so someone should set something up. Like already mentioned... where are the pics?
  17. Thats true... the VG could use some attention. Get to work Carter!!! :D
  18. I see like 5 Ferrari logos and a shitty convertible.... WTF do I get for $5K?
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