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Everything posted by Tristin

  1. They are being made in Taiwan and shipped over. If there was someone who would buy in bulk from Australia, I bet we could get decent prices all around.
  2. I think youre right. It would explain the red rear lights... I couldnt figure those out. If I remember correctly, the Crown rocks two single round tails.
  3. Make sure you put them in the frame rail cutouts.
  4. Haha no need to be bitter Rick... Im a full time art student with no day job. Im not making the big bucks over here.
  5. Possible. Im not too sure what youre having issues with. Mirror > gasket > plastic base > nut.
  6. Same here. Not a Walmart shopper... though I will admit to looking for 510 Hotwheels there (never bought any), but other than that I dont shop there. Far better and nicer places here to pick up stuff.
  7. Man, I would so love to pick this thing up. Youre even right down the road (even closer now that I moved to Bremerton)...
  8. Correct. Ive never seen Nissan flag mirrors with the bullet bases before.
  9. Looks like an 1800 Laurel. Same shape as the 510, same similar headlight bezels on the ground, and even looks like a G18/20 sitting there. I just cant remember if the early Laurels are unibody or not.
  10. Mine dont look anything like those... bases are completely different. I dont think those are genuine Nissan units for 510s. OEM pieces are spring and rubber based so they are flexible when installed. Take some better shots of the base and maybe I can help out.
  11. Hope those dont crack your paint. Are they angled outwards?
  12. Level looks fine. What happened to your build thread?
  13. Post a WTB thread in the Classifieds... thats what its there for. Good luck.
  14. I dont have any of those saved... They are not really a wheel company I follow. Most of my pictures are SSRs. I just noticed you did put those pictures up, but didnt know you had a full file on them.
  15. Because I have a perfectly straight rear bumper. I dont want to cut into it incase theres an accident and cutting into a chromed bumper will just allow the chrome to flake around the cut. Id rather just get a decent 68 bumper thats already good to go.
  16. Either way, same process would apply.
  17. Dibs on the nekozoku sticker.
  18. Euro lenses? Psh... nowhere. You will have to post a WTB ad and hope that someone has a set that they want to give up. Sometimes a set may show up on eBay, but I would say that Euro wagon lenses are the hardest to come by.
  19. Ive frozen photos a couple times to get them apart. It can vary by what type of ink is used though... some are more adhesive than others. Throw them in a freezer back and let them sit in the freezer for 24hrs. Then slowly pull them apart.
  20. I dont really care to. I just pointed out my personal experience...
  21. I dont know where you were getting e85, but I never once had issues running e85. From stock (other than a Walbro 255) engine all the way to a near 700hp. Maybe its not beneficial at low percentages, but Ive had zero problems with neither e85 or e100.
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