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Mattndew76 last won the day on December 21 2023

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About Mattndew76

  • Birthday 06/17/1976

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    Creswell Oregon / Cottage Grove Oregon
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    Datsun 1200 Coupe
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    Guess.. . . .
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  1. Not my flange but very similar to mine. I have heavy chamfers on mine for fill welds around the runner base.
  2. I find that people want the looks not necessarily the practicality. They want that car to look like what they imagine it should be. I will make a few and they will sit on my shelf until they're not.
  3. Guess people are having a hard time finding them if they are.
  4. Again you don't know shit about the case. The Judge ruled he couldn't present any evidence to prove innocence - fucken look it up.. The judge sequestered speech and a trial. It was a directed verdict and you're then at the behest of the seated judge(that means NO TRIAL but a Bench Trial.) He then ordered that Trump pay his fine before any such appeal could happen or allowed. The penalty to sell or conduct business in NYC was immediate thus preventing him from being able to leverage any of his property to a lender to cover his "Fine" I'm beginning to think you are either intentionally obtuse or extremely fucken stupid.
  5. Arm Chair opinions of the tertiarily informed. the Re-Barfing of the TV fearmongering has me laughing. Russia wants the Donbass region. They (Russia) took the region during the Obama initiated overthrow of the Ukrainian government. Putin then said they got what region they wanted. Putin said it was over, and Ukraine agreed to a cease fire. The Ukrainians didn't stop shelling the region though, and with the assistance of the CIA kept going into the region killing Russians and leveling infrastructure. Putin put off any type of retaliatory response, because Obama (caught on a hot mic incident) gave Putin all sorts of leeway over the captured land and promised withdrawal of a US missile defense systems in the region. Russia amassed assets at the border as soon as the November election was finished in 2019. He knew a weak easily purchased man was about to take office. Ukraine was and is a huge slush fund for the top political class (Biden, Pelosi, Romney, Kerry, Clinton, and so on.) , and now the defense contractors. Ukraine had a puppet government put in place by the CIA and that same government has refused to hold elections since then.
  6. My BTC and Gold values are through the roof. Keep on fucking shit up Biden.
  7. For anyone who doesn't FEEL that they're right. You might learn about application of law through this guy. https://rumble.com/v4eqdzc-trump-ny-fraud-trial-judgement-and-appeal-texas-assisted-self-delete-felony.html
  8. The Banks were not ripped off.... Jesus. The banks testified that they want to "continue to do" business with Trump... . The only trend I see is that you believe there is no fowl play at all. its only in one direction and that's good enough. "I dont like him." is all it takes to be blind to a huge pile of BS and Shit smells like roses. You got some Gell-mann's Amnesia my dude. Shit I don't even know why I am trying to discuss this with anyone who doesn't know shit about the details or done any type of research into the law requirements in this case. Good luck with the tertiary knowledge. You're are right based upon how you feel.
  9. Have you ever bought or sold a home, bought a car, on any item you haggled over? Then by YOUR metric you have committed the same fraud. Assets have a ranged value base on a metric of 0-100, 100 being the most pristine condition and value within the area metrics. All the Banks that testified said they made massive profits from Trump, and said they would lend to him again. They called him a "white whale" customer that would make them profit 100% of the time within their transactions. So Trump team would do a valuation of the asset and say that it was worth XX amount and present the application. Then the Banks would then do their research-risk profile and present their value. The two parties negotiate until an amicable value is reached and the pay back terms are set. The terms were then met. NO FRAUD WAS COMMITTED. There has to be a victim to be a standing. What Engoron did was set a precedence that our whole mortgage system is a fraud. "You have nothing to worry about when doing Business, Real Estate lending, and property purchasing in NY unless you are Donald Trump." NY Governor Kathy Hochul. Stop saying he committed a fraud. There was NO fraud securing the loan what so ever. Notice the Banks didn't get charged for fraud when they were co-conspirators in your version?
  10. https://rumble.com/v4ecf1z-the-interview-that-set-the-internet-on-fire-ep-2190-021924.html
  11. Another one that will go through the court of appeals. A Directed Verdict is not a trial at all. Judge Engoron decided no jury wasnt needed and immediately bypassed Trumps right to a jury with a bench trial. This will get overturned but he has to put the 10% of the directed verdict into escrow until the appeals process is over.
  12. Trump stated that he "Never met E Jean Carroll." and Called her a "Crazy Nut Job.". In this civil suit they (Jury) determined that she DIDNT prove he ever met or sexually assaulted her, but he "Defamed" her by denying it. That was the basis of the "Defamation." All of which are protected speech. If Trumps attorneys were smart he should counter sue the shit out of her in FL and watch as she would get a shit deal in their courts. Its amazing that he would get sued for denying ever meeting a person or having sex with her. He has enough cash to lawfare that crazy cunt into bankruptcy and probably should.
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