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11 year old girl defends herself‏

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also known as the best kind


With a response like this, don't wonder why you are unwelcome and unwanted here.

This attitude is EXACTLY what pisses me off.

Disrespectful, ignorant, and predominant.

Misguided arrogance because you THINK you are outsmarting our laws.


You think you are outsmarting this country.

No, the government has been Lax in it's enforcement.

You aren't very smart, I assure you.


But, I have news for you. Those days are nearly over.

You haven't been fooling ALL of us.

And the ones who ARE wise to your game, and realize what huge damage it is really doing,

are getting REALLY pissed at your abuse of our country.


Consider this your warning, illegals.

So don't ask for mercy when FEMA hauls you away.

Edited by agentalpha
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my dad and many of his friends(most of them illegal) agree that a prerequisite for amnesty should be a good tax record


Well, if a person is payed 'under the table' there is no tax paid and the government/state/people are cheated. This person receives some of the benefits under the protection of the state but does not pay for them through taxation.


If a person (illegal) has a pay cheque that it taxed, possibly a fake name/SSN or whatever, then the state isn't cheated out of it's dues, even though this person is actually illegally working there. A sort of lesser of two evils.


I would assume that claiming a tax refund may be difficult with the latter unless the 'fake ID' is very good.


Mo, how does this work? Not familiar with this. (not asking to reveal any secrets :D)

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Every time I see "cheque" it puts a smile on my face lol. They don't need to scam the gov to pay taxes for everyone's info, they just need to file for an ITIN (individual taxpayer identification number). This can be done easily and legally. That's why there is no excuse to not pay taxes.


That's another problem with this and many debates.... People just guess and assume shit in their favor instead of using actual facts.

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Mo, how does this work? Not familiar with this. (not asking to reveal any secrets :D)


Woooah not me! That's why I'm asking. We probably have something like this here if you are out of school and don't have a SIN no. yet.


Proof that you paid taxes while being illegal would carry some weight I would think.

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well when you file for taxes, you are given a TIN(tax identification number) it is given to anyone who files taxes regardless of citizenship, my dad used one before he became a legal resident. it shows your tax record to the IRS and is transferrable to a social security number. it also allows you to buy a home, but banks will usually give you high interest rates.

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Woooah not me! That's why I'm asking. We probably have something like this here if you are out of school and don't have a SIN no. yet.


Proof that you paid taxes while being illegal would carry some weight I would think.


I think you meant to quote me? I didn't mean you mike, but you have followed the thread, you know its been mentioned quite a few times that in order for an illegal immigrant to pay taxes they would have to defraud the gov. Just wanted to set that strait. There is a perfectly legal way to pay taxes so it's still their choice as to whether they want to or not. Moisabamf says his father did BEFORE he was a legal citizen and I'm sure that was quite a bonus on his behalf when he filed for citizenship.


Many people think that it would carry serious consequences and that's why so many don't. I have heard some peoples fears that if the gov wanted to they could just gather all those numbers and put them on the deport list. The people would never let that stand though, there would be riots at the least. Not to mention the gov would loose a great way to keep track and a good census of everyone. The illegals off the radar are the ones that piss the gov off the most.

Edited by 72240z
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The time is coming.


And, as far as illegals go.

Consider this your warning.

Because many of us are VERY tired of your gangs, arrogance, stealing,

disrespect to our laws, language, and people,

and the HUGE draining of benefits from those who deserve and PAY for them, US citizens.

And if the government won't do it's job, many of us WILL.


The time is coming.

And it won't be pretty.

You think that normal citizens won't stand up to illegals rioting?

Yeah, right!! LMFAO!

Eff 'em. Ship 'em to the FEMA camps, and let 'em rot.

They continue to make the choice of being federal criminals, thumbing their noses at our laws everyday they stay.

And they will be held accountable for their arrogance and disregard for our laws and language.



Go back to Meh Hee Ko while you still can of your own free will.

Take the money you took from our economy, and go back and live like a king.

Count your blessings now.


Because the time is coming.

There will be no amnesty.

The will be no acceptance and welcoming of illegals as citizens,

by LEGAL citizens of this country. NOT by the people.


You are unwanted, despised, and unwelcome.


And the time is coming...


Consider this your FRIENDLY warning...

Edited by agentalpha
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I know we are, by definition, all emotionally tied to our ideology. Vitriolic posts on this board, however, aren't likely going to change anything, or even influence people to follow our ideals. This is not a debate, nor is it constructive -- it's poking each other in the eye and being childish. Enough already.

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