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pulled over


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The speed limit on the road is 35 so I got to 35 more rapidly than I usually do. But I did not run! If he had been around the corner before I turned into the alley, or was turning around when I saw him(not stopped on the side of the road) I would have stayed in the car. I must confess that I do not know the exact meaning of the term "Hot Stepping" But I am (for the most part) a safe, contributing, productive, law abiding citizen and deserve my rights to be upheld!

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I believe you. Look at this from a different angle.


1/ your angle: (lets assume you did have insurance :D) So you were minding your own business, driving home within the speed limit and obeying the law as far as you know.


2/ the police: see you coming toward them in a dirty, lowered older car (and that's alright to have a dirty old car) but being human they will notice it more than a cleaner obviously well maintained newer car. I'm not suggesting it isn't safe, or not maintained... it's all about perception. It's what he will see and assume that counts. Let's assume here that they have never seen you around town, and have no opinion as to whether you drift on side streets, have a loud muffler, your car is unsafe, you have a bad attitude or a criminal record or there have been complaints by neighbors about noise and speeding. He looks in his mirror and immediately sees at least two violations. The mace and no bumpers, and decides to pull you over. All he needs is a reason to stop you and anything he finds is fair game. It's a cops job to be suspicious and watchful, so if he doesn't like your looks and your car has a tail light out he can stop you. He just needs an excuse. You would do the same.


BTW: not stopping and quickly driving to dad's and jumping out of the car to avoid the police indicates that you were guilty of something and knew it. It's your call, but I would pay the fine promptly, get insurance, put a bumper on the car make sure all lights and signals are working because the next time he sees you.......

Edited by datzenmike
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The speed limit on the road is 35 so I got to 35 more rapidly than I usually do. But I did not run! If he had been around the corner before I turned into the alley, or was turning around when I saw him(not stopped on the side of the road) I would have stayed in the car. I must confess that I do not know the exact meaning of the term "Hot Stepping" But I am (for the most part) a safe, contributing, productive, law abiding citizen and deserve my rights to be upheld!


i've road with dave, an like he says.. he obeys the laws an such..






atleast as far as i could tell since the car was so smokey :fu:

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I talked to my lawyer and she said the same to a slightly different tune. She gave me a hook up on broadform ins. that is less than a $100/month. I will get ins. and pay the fine. I will also very soon be making the car legal with some cool custom front and rear pans. Last night I painted the front and rear where the bumpers were and it looks WAY better. Clean and with the rear painted it doesnt really stick out any more than it did with bumpers on it. Thanks for you guys input. Helps me think about things from all angles.

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BTW, I run with the Broadform (it covers everything but the Deuce since it has a 10,000lb payload). Very useful when you own a fleet, or are constantly changing cars. A bit pricey but that's because I have pretty high limits. Some insurance companies will tell you that broadform isn't legal in Washington- they're either misinformed or lying to try to force you into their own expensive car-by-car coverage. I've never had a problem, and several law enforcement officials have seen my insurance card.

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