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Who can make me an adaptor plate for FCR carbs on a CA18DE???

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I'm about start sourcing and looking for parts for my CA18DE swap for my 1200. I'm going to be putting FCR carbs on them as well. The only problem is sourcing the adaptor plate I need to put the carbs on the CA.


So...if you know a company, or member that could help me out please feel free to drop their number.

My last option will be to go to Danstoy like I did for my ITB's on the SR20VE but I'm not even sure they can do it.


I'm also sourcing my Japanese connections as well.


Somthing like this but for a CA18DE





Thanks in advance!



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I've done a bunch of swaps. I really only need 1 item and that's the dam adaptor plate lol and I have already sourced all my other parts. I am stuck on FCR's on my CA18DE since I already have them. I tried to call danstoy who built my ITB set up but I think they're out of biz. Great thread though.

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Four tubes conducting air and fuel between carb and head would make it a manifold would it not? An adapter allows something to fit something else that it is normally incompatible with. For example a five bolt rim onto a four bolt axle.



I don't, I live in San Francisco. :( It's really not that hard of a job, I mean an adaptor vs. say manifold, the adaptor should be pretty easy. hahaa

Calling a manifold an adapter will not make it easier to make. I can see an adapter being a plate with holes and maybe threaded studs. A manifold will have a lot of welding.

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