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How to upload/post pictures?

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Hi ya'll !
I am new here, and I am wondering how or if I can upload pictures of my '79 620 restore project (Profile pic).
I will be putting it in the classifide section when it's done But I think a few pics would help.

I can't seem to find an Upload button, but I see others pics everywhere.

Or do i have to provide a link from another site?

Please help!
Thanks in advance to all who reply.

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So I guess there is no way to upload.. Only link to... Someone in another thread said they direct uploaded from their computer, so I thought it was posible....  :confused:  

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So I guess there is no way to upload.. Only link to... Someone in another thread said they direct uploaded from their computer, so I thought it was posible....  :confused:  

 "Link to" saves valuable web space so that people who want to post meaningful pictures and videos will not push the site beyond its bandwidth limit.  Think of all the inane pictures [my butt has lice] and videos [this is my kid learning to go on the potty] that  decision spares us from enduring!


"Link to", try it, you'll like it!

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  • 4 weeks later...

I don't like it.. "It's a major hassle an a pain in my rear differential !

Why doesn't admin simply set guidlines that prohibit an pic posting other than "Vehicles"
with the reprimand of user upload usage blocking should it be abused?

I don't want to store my phots publicly nor do I want to learn how to use or create yet another account on  yet another site to post to this one.
Friggin rediculous...

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It costs money for this feature and it would be abused. Someone would have to watch and ride herd on all the posters and decide what's too much or not needed. We don't allow advertizing here to pay for these features and I for one like it that way.


Photobucket pictures are not public. If you post them here, they are public anyway.

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Why doesn't admin simply set guidlines that prohibit an pic posting other than "Vehicles"

with the reprimand of user upload usage blocking should it be abused?





Because we are already plenty busy and we don't get paid to be here.


This site is free for all to use, start taking up space with pictures and it won't be able to remain that way for long.

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