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Paradime: Specialist in love fluids and furniture cleaning products

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Introducing Spooge, the miracle cure for a lazy afternoon. One squeeze of Spooge can fix a broken relationship, add new luster to wood surfaces, even use it as a hair jell. And best of all... it taste like concentrated mushrooms, so it's great in sauces too.



SO squeeze ya some Spooge today everyone, You'll be glad you did.

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u mean splooge?



Ah.... No





n. goopy or viscous substance similar in texture to cum
I woke up this morning in a puddle of spooge. 


I use Spooge to clean the cabinets


Damn! that spoooge sauce taste like shitaki! 

v. to cause a goopy substance to end up on an item or person


Don't mess with my hair, I just Spooged it.


Stand clear, I'm going to Spooge.





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I think I know what I'm talking about when I'm talking about what you are talking about, good sir.



an ejaculatory deposit

My roommate left his splooge-covered t-shirt on the floor again.

Any and all ejaculatory juices that derive from the male penis. 

Shane splooged all over her face. 
I hope his splooge isn't on my pillow.

the male ejaculatory fluid

I splooged in your girlfriends mouth last night.
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I still don't see how this relates to furniture cleaning products other than the fact that you'll need some...............




I have a couch I can just wipe spooge right off :thumbup:


Carpet and the "good towels" are my issue :rofl:

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I think I know what I'm talking about when I'm talking about what you are talking about, good sir.



an ejaculatory deposit

My roommate left his splooge-covered t-shirt on the floor again.

Any and all ejaculatory juices that derive from the male penis. 

Shane splooged all over her face. 

I hope his splooge isn't on my pillow.

the male ejaculatory fluid

I splooged in your girlfriends mouth last night.



I don't know man, yours says nothing about cleaning cabinets, or anything useful. Mine on the other hand is very useful around the house. I even shot my cat off the counter with it. Does you "splooge' product do that? I think not good sir.

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To be honest, I haven't really attempted using it in that application per se. 


I did happen to leave some around in some wadded tissue. It had an aromatic effect akin to cotton candy.

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I knew a kid in school i have known most of my life, that was called Splooge ,, even in high school the teachers called him that.  I bet a few kids didn't even know his real name.

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To be honest, I haven't really attempted using it in that application per se. 


I did happen to leave some around in some wadded tissue. It had an aromatic effect akin to cotton candy.



Ahhh Haaa! your splooge smells like cotton candy. I CALL CHINESE NOCK OFF PRODUCT HERE !!!. 

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As painful as it is to admit, I'm a 26 year old virgin.  :blush:


Well then, I'm sure you are well acquainted with this product and it's many fascinating uses. If not.... you have a lot of catching up to do.

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