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Datsun mechanics in Spokane, WA.

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Okay here's the issue. I own a '79 310 (aka pulsar/cherry). It is a FWD manual and I have had all kinds of hell dealing with mechanic shops around here who look at it and say things like "that's carbureted" or "I didn't know Datsun made a FWD". Needless to say getting a solid fix for this cars woes has been troublesome, but it was my daily driver until today when it started sputtering and quitting. While I have a manual to fix it myself with stock replacement parts, my job requires alot of my time (more then I can spend trying to work on this myself) and I would really like to talk to someone who can not only work on this car but would know how to upgrade this car (ie hot rod). I think it would do well with some modern touches like EFI, serpentine setup, maybe even a turbo. Anyone who knows enough to work on this little problem child of mine in the local area would be great to talk to and likely pay to fix. If nothing else I'm this close to scraping it.

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datzenmike nailed it - send HRH here on Ratsun a PM (just in case he doesn't see this thread). If he doesn't have time to help you, he may be able to set you up with his Datsun guru Joe. Joe has a shop out in the Valley, but I have no idea of the address or even what it is called to look it up. HRH will know. He manages the NAPA in Cheney WA. Call Cheney NAPA and ask for Matt. As long as you don't keep him on the phone too long he should be able to give you some ideas. Tell him datzenmike and Len sent you. :P



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If for some reason you can't get in touch with HRH, I can rack my brain and try to describe Joe's shop location. I'd offer to help, but I'm 50 miles from Spokane, hopelessly slow when I do work on anything, and lazy to boot! HRH or Joe will be a way better bet.


In theory I would think a FI turbo or non-turbo engine from a Pulsar would drop into your 310, but don't really know. If you don't know this site you should: http://datsun1200.com/modules/news/

The "Tech Wiki" section may have info on motor swaps. This is an Oz based site, so a lot of the references are to non-US model designations. You have to think your way around that to understand what applies to us here.



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Dataun1200.com is for RWD A-series Datsuns. We have a little but not much info on the FWD model. By the way it is not based in Oz, but out of Europe.


The 1982 310 came with E15 engine, so maybe swapping in the whole EFI power train from 1983-1986 Pulsar would be feasible. I'd be checking out other web sites for such information.


What you need is an old-time mechanic, over 45 years of age, who can work on carbureted cars. Knowledge of Datsun specifically is not really needed, as Datsuns are straightforward and simple and covered well by mechanics repair manuals. Parts are still available.

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Dataun1200.com is for RWD A-series Datsuns. We have a little but not much info on the FWD model. By the way it is not based in Oz, but out of Europe.



Thanks for the correction on the location of the Datsun1200 site. I have no idea where I got the idea it is Oz based. It is a wonderful site with lots of information, but I always get confused by all the non-US models. I know it isn't really complicated. I need to make a cheat sheet to give equivalent worldwide models and leave it here by the computer.



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  • 2 weeks later...

Matt - I wondered how that turned out. I sicked him onto you so maybe another Datsun wouldn't end up at Pull n Save. I figured you could send him to Joe if it wasn't something simple. Do you think he will go for the Weber? That is actually something I need to do myself when it gets a little warmer outside.



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I don't know, but I DO know you need to drive your 510 to Canby!!  You need to start working on Regy and Rod now, I know they'll probably have a 3 month old by then, but that's even better!  Except for the long trip.  I suggested he take the pimp white van so they could caravan down in comfort.  Rod could drive Regy's Z.  You and I drive our 510s.  Worst case, I have th Maxima which does still say Datsun on the trunk lid. ;)

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