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Stupid (REALLY stupid) question on valve cover.


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The little 90* vent pipe on top of the valve cover.  How do I rotate that so I can put a filter on?  I tried so hard to turn it, I though I was going to crack it.  Seriously, what is that put on with?  Or does it not screw in some how?  I know this is dumb, but I get bogged down on the simple stuff.

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It should have a hose over to the air filter. If you have a Weber there is a hole on the under side of the weber air filter for this. The little blue filters are pretty, but don't prevent fumes escaping into the engine compartment and thus into the cab when the flow reverses.


The valve cover vent pipe is sealed in place. Probably with epoxy.

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Well I think silly if you put one on for show, basically you are then a slave to fashion. Like wearing running shoes because "everyone else does".  If you have modified your intake system and there is no proper way to connect it then this is an option but a poorer one. Almost all motors, especially old worn ones, have more blow-by under load than the PCV system can handle and it will back up and blow out through that filter. From a pollution standpoint you are blowing unburnt hydrocarbons and combustion by-products into the environment. From a heath standpoint you are often breathing that crap while driving.

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