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valve cover degree


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stupid me.

I wanted to paint my valve cover and make something different out of it.

It's only temporary until i get my l20b but i took off the cover, sanded a bit, not too great then painted.

I didn't even put primer because i didn't have any and was being stupid.


I ended up putting a good coat of red rustoleum on the cover.

Afterwards, I realized it may not take the heat.


The can says not on anything equal to or more than 200 degrees. (93 celcius)


Do you guys think this will last or should i remove all the paint? :(

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Aluminum needs a special etching primer to make paint stick to it.


so i should probably go remove it and buy engine primer and engine paint from home depot....

ahh. this sucks. 

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I kept it but weirdly enough, I found a paint that I REALLY liked which was some red/bronze mixture and it happened to be engine  enamel. I found it while looking for some white to do on the interior.

but thanks everyone.


and I asked around a lot and I'm pretty sure it would stick.

From what I heard off first hand people, it lasts awhile. 


Thanks guys.


now it looks like this 



I sanded well but the guy before me banged this up and this is only temp until i get an l20 so it wasn't too much effort.

hoping to do the letters in white once i figure out how. 

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For the letters, use a skinny roller and lightly apply coats of white. For this type of paint work, the roller is usually made out of rubber. You might be able to find one at your local paint shop.


A hobby store like Hobby Lobby or Michaels may also carry this roller if the paint store doesn't.  I concur, it's important to use light coats when using this application.


Another method:  Use model car paint brushes.  Testors Model Masters has a nice 1/4" flat brush that I've used for stuff like this.


I'd try either just using Testor's model paint, or get some white engine spray paint, spray it back into the cap and dip your paint brush into that.


I like the new color :thumbup:

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For the letters, use a skinny roller and lightly apply coats of white. For this type of paint work, the roller is usually made out of rubber. You might be able to find one at your local paint shop.

I just youtubed a guy and i think i know what you mean.


A hobby store like Hobby Lobby or Michaels may also carry this roller if the paint store doesn't.  I concur, it's important to use light coats when using this application.


Another method:  Use model car paint brushes.  Testors Model Masters has a nice 1/4" flat brush that I've used for stuff like this.


I'd try either just using Testor's model paint, or get some white engine spray paint, spray it back into the cap and dip your paint brush into that.


I like the new color :thumbup:


Thanks man! I think it'll look really good in the bay especially since the bay is all nasty dirty.


is this what you guys mean?


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Looks like my roller came from Ace Hardware...


It's whatever you find easiest to work with.  The foam brush might be good too...



I'll def get a paint brush like this that i have at school and do the lettering tomorrow. 

Thanks man!

The brush isn't that small but should do the trick. 

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I decided I'll wait on the letter just to see how i like this or not.

I feel like letters may throw it off..

if anyone wondered what this looked like completed.

pics !



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