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So here's some randomness. About a year and 9 months ago I broke up with my last ex girlfriend. She told me towards the end of the relationship that I am easy to fall in love with but hard to love. Now, I just kinda passed this off as bitchy ex girlfriend talk back then but the other day (and by other day I mean last night) I came to the realization that I am high maintenance as all get out. I started thinking and yeah, I'm extremely high maintenance. Hard to hold my attention on much and once I get something or get something where I want it I'm quick to move on. I ain't got no reason to lie, it's just the way I am right?


So I started putting two and two together and yeah, I understand what that crazy girl was talking about. I'm an the embodiment of what the horoscopes consider a Leo to be, like down to a t I am it. Why does anybody even want to be with me? I don't get it.


The sad thing is, my ex wife continually wants to get back with me even though she has been in a relationship with me (a couple times) and has left me more then once and had me leave her more than once.


Yes this is not stuff y'all need nor care to know but I just thought I would share since I'm getting paid way to much money to sit on my bum right now and post this. Thank god for daily time and a half

I have been told that I am "distant" on many occasions, by more than one gal. One thing I am sure of...if you constantly force me to give deep thought to the state of our relationship, it will fuckin backfire big time. Because when I do that, most of the time I come to the conclusion that I don't want to be in this relationship and I'll set the whole deal on fire. Betcha would like to go back to the part where I was happy and thought everything was just fine...wouldn't ya?

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Oh man I hear that smoke. That's partly what happened with my last relationship, I had to work to hard to keep her happy. So I quit trying and told her to piss off

It's a control thing and most of the time, I don't think they even know they are doing it. I mean, I can't be the only one who notices that many of them turn up the bitch when the sense you are in a really great mood. Like they feel the need to take you down a few rungs. There have been a few who were honestly really great, but I'm so self destructive that I need to burn that shit up too. I'll just stay alone and write angry letters to the gubment under a flickering, bare light bulb. It's best for everyone.

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My lady is way younger than me so I trained her.

Rule #1

the more you ignore me the longer I will stay with you


never ask    " are you o.k ? " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

i like your style RVD. it fucking irritates me when she asks if im ok because she only does it in front of people then everyone turns their attention over to me...........shes known me over 12 years and knows im quiet around groups of people and dont like to be the center off attention but still chooses to fuck up my mood.

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I just might she hates when I use sarcasm. My ex was the best. she was new to this country when I met her and i "taught her the American way" really good. in india it like they breed the women to do what ever ther man tells them.. i fucked up and threw it away because i thought i could train this one to be the same way.......................boy was i wrong.

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My lady is way younger than me so I trained her.

Rule #1

the more you ignore me the longer I will stay with you


never ask    " are you o.k ? " !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Mine was 13 years old when I met her... er, I mean 13 years younger than me and 25.


If I wanted you to know what I was thinking.............I'd be talking.


Baby I 'toll you I loved you when I married you.... if there's any change you'll be the first to know.... (sheesh!) 

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You two might wanna start thinking about separate plane tickets if you're feeling this way eb521. You're still young


I just might she hates when I use sarcasm. My ex was the best. she was new to this country when I met her and i "taught her the American way" really good. in india it like they breed the women to do what ever ther man tells them.. i fucked up and threw it away because i thought i could train this one to be the same way.......................boy was i wrong.

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Mine was 13 years old when I met her... er, I mean 13 years younger than me and 25.



Baby I 'toll you I loved you when I married you.... if there's any change you'll be the first to know.... (sheesh!) 


did she ever call you a "pedophile"?

cuz thats a mighty big word for a 13 year old. 

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You two might wanna start thinking about separate plane tickets if you're feeling this way eb521. You're still young

ehh, ive thought about it but i feel like its just gona be the same shit with the next. i feel like no one is truely happy with some one its more like they kinda just tolerate them. but like you said im still young and learnin as i go

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Dude, I think you need to cut this one loose, 

whatever you do DO NOT KNOCK HER UP, try being single and just keep your same outlook and in 10 years you might meet someone that you actually wanna hang on too or you might not. Both have there advantages. 


ehh, ive thought about it but i feel like its just gona be the same shit with the next. i feel like no one is truely happy with some one its more like they kinda just tolerate them. but like you said im still young and learnin as i go

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I can tell you that there ARE folks that are truly happy with one another. You're going to put up with a bunch of bullshit, because you're younger (most of us did), but when you get older, you will find out it's SO not worth it. Also, when you get older, you will find that the rolls of who chases who will switch sides. Right now, you feel you better hold onto what you have, because it's not all that easy to reel in a new one. It's when you truly stop giving a shit (not just acting like you don't care, but really...you don't care) then they will swarm you. Like a dog can smell fear, they can sense that you don't care and will do everything they can to try and make you want them. 

They see it as confidence. If you're so confident, you MUST have a reason for being that way and they want in. That and kind of having your shit together does not hurt. 

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thats really true with dating and getting laid, women don't like clingy,


also there is gonna be a day when you find a women that is just so hot and way to good for you. This might be the lady of your dreams, thus you begin to pursue her and can't help but to make it ovious, either she takes you down a winding, long path for several weeks only to fuck some retarded skater she met on ratsun OR she actually responds to your actions and just when you are about to give up she gives you a sign.


The fact that you had to find her, hunt her down, win her over is what will keep you hanging on to her the rest of your life, it will also keep you from saying nasty things that could drive her away. People don't seem to understand that all it takes is about 2 really bad arguments to ruin a relationship. Couples that argue all the time are a lost cause for happiness but WILL stay together.

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Cannot stress the do not knock her up bit enough. Courts is bullshit (at least where I am) and femkes feel they are more entitled when there's a kid involved and sadly you're stuck with them the rest of your life when the kid becomes involved

Dude, I think you need to cut this one loose,

whatever you do DO NOT KNOCK HER UP, try being single and just keep your same outlook and in 10 years you might meet someone that you actually wanna hang on too or you might not. Both have there advantages.

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