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car chases

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I used my truck once, and quickly realized that it was too slow and loud.


I did, however, almost get away. Once pulled over, the cop asked me which streets I took and complimented my driving... After asking me "what the fuck I was thinking" I then gave him some BS story about being late for school and having too many tickets (good thing I had my UTI shirt on).  He let me go with a warning since they were looking for some guy who robbed the shoe store. 


His partner asked if he could beat the shit out of me before I left.. 


There are a few cool cops around here.

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did it twice both times in a 510 and both times when I was alot younger and very stupid 

the first time I was racing an MG and a Ford truck both cars turned off and there I was to role past the cop at 65 to 70 ion a 35 zone, he sat there for about a quarter mile after I past him ( I dont know why ) then flipped the lights on and was in pursuit this road becomes very windy so I took a side street and listend for the cop he flew past and the wait was on we waited what seemed forever but was probably 5 minutes I pulled out of the hiding spot and continued on the cop past me going the other way so I took the next street and never saw him again THIS IS A BAD IDEA


second time I was driving to fast late for work a cop passed the other direction with a heavily planted center divider he flipped around when he could but I was already gone 

I hit the pedal harder took a few streets got to the job jumped out of the car and went to work, the cop came down the street and a neighbor pointed out where I went the cop asked if I saw him and I said no he said did you hear the siren and I said no I had the music up   he then told me to slow down and be more attentive 


both times my heart was pounding through my chest and I will never do that again 

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Once on my 521, can't outrun them with l16 but hid behind burger king for a while then took the backstreets home, didn't have a license back then so I figured it was worth the risk, now with a license I don't think I would do such, it's not a bright idea to run from cops in a datsun, or any car, I am ashamed of my actions haha

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