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Nissan or Datsun

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none of that is as bad as us (people in america) running the japanese imperial flag.

for a long time it was cool until it dawned to me that 'hey im in the navy' and if i ever

came on base with that, and some WWII vet or similar saw it... well i wouldnt want to

upset or disrespect him in that manner. especially if they had survived a kamikaze

attack, landed on a beach, lost friends/family, or anything like that.


now i know NONE of us would ever mean to do that and we are doing it specifically

because our cars are japanese, but i just cant see myself running those.


i had told that to my gf and she is taking a korean history class, and she told me how

the koreans still see that flag as horrible and offensive because of what it stood for back

in the day.


pretty much, the japanese imperial flag is very similar to the nazi swastika because of what

it stood for AT THAT TIME.


i would never personally trip on anybody like hainz or someone at a meet for it, but its

just a personal belief i adopted.


i know that was off topic and i usually try to keep that one specific opinion to myself but

i thought it was something relatable here.



Thats why i held off on getting any japanese rising sun logos on the truck, i dont want anyone to feel i have turned my back on my country (or whats left of it).


I also feel that datsuns and nissans are the same, made by the same engineers built by hand (at least they were in the 60s, 70s and 80s), they are family.

While datsuns certainly had more pleasing aesthetics, i wouldnt count nissan trucks out of the ratsun fun.

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Service used to be a hallmark of the Datsun brand in America, Renault, with their usual Gallic inefficiency. ruined that!  French minds are different!  No insult intended to our Quebequoise members, My God Father is August Napoleon Bonaparte Doumaschell.  Informally, "Gussie", in the familly"Bonie".

Holy fuck! Quebec will go to war with the states over being lumped in with the French!!!!! They are very touchy about their Lower Canada ancestry, heritage and culture but they are not French as in Paris French any more than the Cajuns are. Although they have french roots they think of them selves as Quebecois.

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Holy fuck! Quebec will go to war with the states over being lumped in with the French!!!!! They are very touchy about their Lower Canada ancestry, heritage and culture but they are not French as in Paris French any more than the Cajuns are. Although they have french roots they think of them selves as Quebecois.



Yet they did cheer when General DeGaul voiced "Vive Quebec Libre" during his visit.  Needless to say Toronto was "not pleased" to quote the Queen. 


Thank God they don't contaminate their coffee with chicory like their cousins the Cajun in Lousiana [or did I just open another Francophone sore point, the French eqiuvalent of the US Peace Corps runs a mission to teach Cajuns "proper" French].


I notice that while Quebec insists on the equality of the French language with English and insists that all public signs in the predominately English speaking regions must also be posted in French, that in Quebec all signs must be posted in French only.  So how do you order a hamburger?


I am just stirring the pot here.  My Grandmother was born and raised in a town in Ireland that absolutely refused to speak English and stuck to Gaelic.  I even have cousins named "Costello" who are descended from a survivor of the Spanish Armada cast up on the shores of Ireland and smuggled inland where "de Castillo" was Anglicised as "Costello" by the English who didn't understand any language but their own and wrote names down phonetically as they heard them  The locals reasoned that the average English census taker didn't know any language but English and wanted to get the hell out of town before sundown.

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