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510 Auto gas pedal VS Manual

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I am looking for a 510 manual gas pedal. I put that in my status. If you have one, pedal, and metal rod that goes behind the pedal itself to the cable let me know..



There was a little talk that they are the same from auto to manual, and that the brake pedal is different. But thats not 100% true, only 50%..


The brake pedal is different.  The automatic is wider vs the manual pedals. However, the gas pedal is also positioned more to the left as well as the rod itself.


Here you can see I switched my 510 from auto to manual, with just switching the gas/clutch pedals. They fit, but man is that brake pedal close to the gas pedal.  Hasn't been an issue and I don't really seeing it... Reason why? well when I hit the brake hard enough to slow down, stop, or emergency stop I automatically hit the clutch pedal same time. So it's not going to matter if I fat foot it and hit the gas too, as the clutch is depressed and I won't go anywhere...


When I just want to slow down a touch.. I barely touch the brake pedal.  it's funny even having giant feet, how much your brain subconsciously thinks about where they are and what pedals you are hitting... how hard, etc.



Anyways. Skib, Eagle adam. Here is the manual pedals with the auto gas pedal







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Look down at the front of the gas pedal. There are two screws attaching it to the floor. Take them out and look hard... there's a third hole to the right so it can be moved over and share the middle hole. Just bend the metal rod above it to suit. Isn't that easy?????

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Ill check here in a minute. I haven't pulled the carpet out of the floor yet! Just lifted up the door mat to vacuum under it :rofl:


Sounds like draynor had the same thing going it, as if it was different all together.  the position of the plastic where it screwed to the floor was offset on the gas pedal vs auto pedals.  Ill post what I find later tonight. 

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Alright. The holes in the floor. I did some searching, there is a third spot for a screw that I will need to drill out..


However, I won't be able to bend the gas pedal correctly to work right / line up right. I don't have the correct tools to do that (vise, torch etc).


Here is a pic of the manual gas pedal location. In the pic you can see where the automatic pedal was screwed down.  owner of this dime drilled the second holes where they were marked from factory, then found the manual rod.



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^^^ hahaha. Thats not my doing!  That's someone elses. It is really easy.  I was just pointing out the info more or less, and asking if someone had a manual gas pedal :D


So now people know, there is a difference. holes are pre-marked on the floor.  Just need to drill, and find a manual rod...

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a bigger problem with the brake pedal too close to the tranny tunnel, than the gas pedal too close to the brake pedal. My friend cant drive my car because his size 13 shoe hits the tranny tunnel and the brake pedal at the same time.

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