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Finally got my first 510


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It will run off of the battery until there isn't enough voltage to power the ignition. Get a multimeter, of a voltmeter and see how much voltage there is when the car is running, if its less than 13 there is probly something wrong with the alternator

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Ok, finally had some time to work on the 510, I did as you said and at idle I was getting 12.42 fromt he battery, at higher revs it was the same, so I went to the alternator and checked there. Same voltage so I figured the Alt was the problem, swapped it for another and it didn't change anything. I took the battery and the Alternator in and they both test out fine. Not sure where to go from here.

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If by chance you have a spare volt reg lying around? I always do .


If anything ck the fuse box area reseat the plugs there.

I think you would get 12 volt on one of the pins of the T connector when key is ON.


Another guy on here had a bad wire under the tape by the volt reg I think. But I guess this would be ez to OHM out using a meter if the wire was bad.


Im only guessing now.


I had a 521 where the connection was bad in back of the instrument panel. I reseat the plug and then it charged up fine after that. I asusme the 12volts looped thru the instrument panel then went to energize the alternator. But it would pop a fuse when it did this. Im not sure it this would be the same for a 510 instrument wiring.



I assume your ignition light comes ON.

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