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I'm sure some do, 100-ish cars with most people coming from the same region in my opinion is a regional meet.  A rotating one with thousands of cars like the z nationals and convention to me is a national meet.

Not taking the piss out of the meet, or trying to argue. Its awesome, prob the best regional in the country. I'd love to go sometime if I ever go x country in the z. 

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still it's mostly pnw with some western Canada and Cali people making the trip. not to say people don't come from afar but probably 95% of the people/cars there are from the 3 areas I just mentioned


If people come from Canada wouldnt it make it an international meet?

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A lot of guys come here from all over this area, and a bunch come up from mid/northern california, as with all meets, some show up from far off places, but this seems to me to be generally a west/west coast meet/show.

In the US hanggliding nationals, we had flyers from all over the world, if you paid the entry fee and showed up, you flew and were ranked, but it was still the US nationals.

I am having a hard time believing that southern california doesn't have a big datsun/nissan meet also.

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Canby is a goal i'm working towards as well, one day all of the NC/GA/SC members are gonna gang the fuck up and go cross country in a datsun conga line. many oics will be taken, many lulz will be had, many break-downs will be fixed beside the road...



We should really get this together. I think this would be a total blast and we could just make a huge vacation out of it. I have so many feelers out on parts right now that I just might have a reliable truck before Canby. Just need to source a L18 or L20B that needs a rebuild and I think I will be set for a long journey in time, but I can't afford one of those till middle of next month after buying the 5-speed this week. Stupid bills and budgets...

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