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Anyone here dabbled in stock trading?

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Trading with your 401k is very risky. Specially If it is a traditional 401 and not a Roth because of how the taxes are managed after you withdraw the funds instead of the taxes being taken as the money goes in.


I've seen people not only lose their entire retirement "on a sure thing" and then owe taxes on the 401k at the end of that same year witch got them into IRS collections... We all know how that normally goes :thumbsdown:


ok yeah way to aggressive ......i never consider myself aggressive ....in trading its better to be smart than fast...in most cases.... dont put all the eggs n one basket not that u cant trade fast ....just dont spend fast...and when u do be smart...hype is just that....its easy to spot and either take advantage or not become a victim

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Perfect example. I buy into ea games 3/4 half the way through nfl season. Because normally that's when they are the lowest.


Then when the new madden nfl comes out it jumps and I normally sale unless I hear about something else they are doing.


Has anyone here heard of madden being a low sales game? Fuck no!!! I even have a reminder on my phone as to when I should start looking again for the bottom trade on ea games.


Easy shit

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screw the 401k and gambling market. invest in vintage motorcycles-you will NEVER lose money if done right. cheaper than cars and when the economy dumps (as in how long now????) the guys who wanted cars are buying bikes.i live off of it. and since almost all of you are west coast-it doesnt really affect my market by saying it. if you're peaked or interested- PM me-i can explain.

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Another thin I look at is game production companies ex bioware. Blizzard. Artistic assembly.


Try and dial in when their new games come out. Normally November or October, so buy into them in April and wait to take in the dough baby!!!


Fucking easy and pretty dam consistent


u make me wish we were neighbors or something.....there are tons of ways to make safe money whrough timing....everybody thinks getting rich in the market comes from big hits ....its the staples like what rustina just described that make people successful and trustworthy...and if your gonna be successful at that u gotta be

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screw the 401k and gambling market. invest in vintage motorcycles-you will NEVER lose money if done right. cheaper than cars and when the economy dumps (as in how long now????) the guys who wanted cars are buying bikes.i live off of it. and since almost all of you are west coast-it doesnt really affect my market by saying it. if you're peaked or interested- PM me-i can explain.


ok if u wanna make money dont buy anything that eats or requires gas....lo yeild...unless u get the shit for free then its like a false market its 100 profits

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Rustina, your strategy sounds good. I'm not a gamer however so it's not a market I'm overly experienced with but with a little research I'm sure the info is there.


it applys to everything every industry has a yearly show ( ie sema ..)... every industry has a time of year for releases lots are in nov and sept pre x mas....if u research and are smart and don't sink your wad in a hooker with no legs..(ie one thing...) that will build your capital so u can eventually take risks .. or u can do whats been described live off being smart



why crashes happen ... some investor driving a testarossa in yellow that lives in new jersey recklessly is rireresponsible with portfolios and blows his (err everyones wad being dumb , greedy and stinking of fish...)

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ummmm . disagree . high yield. like anything else-buy right .sell right. in the end its YOUR personal investment-not dictated whether someone in china trips and breaks a flash drive-or if the king of greece is still dead or that iceland has no money.............

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gas be da way everything works. proof is you're HERE. hence GAS.this country is based on fossil-and will be for some time. ALWAYS were the $ is. we as americans have it embedded in us. not saying i'm not guilty-you just have to think not WHATS going to give me money-but more-WHO is willing to spend money-and what are they buying? case in point-everyones 401 is in the shits-they pull it out before bottom. think "hey-i cant afford that shelby gt350-plus i dont have the space for it,the ol lady will die if i buy it-etc. so-a 50-100k car is out of the question. but i can afford a 5k bike-and i can ride/sell/restore/sit on it" hence why one looks down stream of what the dreamers want/wish for. IT WORKS

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screw the 401k and gambling market. invest in vintage motorcycles-you will NEVER lose money if done right. cheaper than cars and when the economy dumps (as in how long now????) the guys who wanted cars are buying bikes.i live off of it. and since almost all of you are west coast-it doesnt really affect my market by saying it. if you're peaked or interested- PM me-i can explain.


Motorcycles huh? Interesting... Everyone has their market!

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remember .com? same with stocks and hedge guessing. thats why everyone is so timid about investing. they figure "fuck it- if i lose $ i still have something physical to show-that i can ride/enjoy". anyone who wants to invest in a sure bet-get with me if youre west coast-we east coast guys cant get the cars that sell stupid cheap out there. there IS a market here for it. surely a better bet than video games....................

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I had a little over 700 shares in qualcomm in around 1999. I sold it off before the split @ 975 a couple of years later I sold my house in Salida for 100k for than I bought it for. I then cashed in my 401k's and said bye bye to CA.


I was the Network and Systems Manager for a Semiconductor company. They were hurting around a year before the bubble popped. I quit my job before the bubble popped because my wife inherited a house in Florida. My wifes family screwed us over in probate court for the house. No biggie, the house was worth 120k and we lived their for 4 months for free.

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Everyone has a system that works for them. Or a system that they think works for them... even if you are guessing at it.. and you are right more than 50% of the time.. then it's a system that is working. Yes some work better than others. :ninja:

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and hey-who has the nice orange 280z with the early front bumper and later light blue 280z with no bumpers and a fart can near eugene airport???? saw them after getting gas in our rental on airport road-my son took pics and loved the orange one............

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gas be da way everything works. proof is you're HERE. hence GAS.this country is based on fossil-and will be for some time. ALWAYS were the $ is. we as americans have it embedded in us. not saying i'm not guilty-you just have to think not WHATS going to give me money-but more-WHO is willing to spend money-and what are they buying? case in point-everyones 401 is in the shits-they pull it out before bottom. think "hey-i cant afford that shelby gt350-plus i dont have the space for it,the ol lady will die if i buy it-etc. so-a 50-100k car is out of the question. but i can afford a 5k bike-and i can ride/sell/restore/sit on it" hence why one looks down stream of what the dreamers want/wish for. IT WORKS


and where did that leave us... protecting only country that feeds us wtih over priced oil based products ... a perfect example look at dubai.. thats all our money ...its becming more and more run down or not even used and they still keep spending oour money building super structures on a sand box thats ever shifting ... idont know how or what engineers ever approved these projects...the tak ws about stocks u said byu cars and motorcycles and i said not that wise ... u gt pissed ... i wasnt being a dick just pointing out yes this country runs on gas ... and only the eopple who the govt wants to make money off it profits...we just fuel those profits hot and heavy...

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Made good money in tech stocks in the 90's. I was in my early 20's and had income to do so. Got out in the right time. Set myself up pretty nicely. Just wish I had converted more of it into real estate at the time. Also wish I had invested in gold. Live and learn.

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e. Set myself up pretty nicely. Just wish I had converted more of it into real estate at the time. Also wish I had invested in gold. Live and learn.


thats exactly the way i feel right now......if u can buy a house or something to live in nows the time....

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The way to do real estate, if you can swing it is buy a house to live in and buy a rental that pays for itself. It's a great way to set yourself up for retirement.


this is great too cause if you do it right and get into stuff right u can just keep adding rentals as u get ahead i got friends that started with tis and now have 5 rentals but to be fair right now people ae getting housing for a steal...

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