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insurance; how much are you paying?

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broad form ( on license, drive any car ) through Dairyland $48. a month


My wife and 16 year old also have full coverage on a 2001, 2005, minivans and liability on his 79 datsun and 85 toyota...dont know what insurer

$165. a month total for both of them and all those cars,, and me i guess if i drove them.

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I'm insured with 21 Century, I have a 2006 Mercedes and my Goon. I ronically enough when I added My goon to the policy.... Get This... it lowered my yearly cost to 760. Thats full coverage on the Merc and liability for the Goon.

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$12/month through State Farm classic car insurance (low miles, not for use commuting), includes stated-value.

I did the same double insured with a totaled ranger as a daily payed $19 bucks a month on my parents state farm.


Moved to Maui opened my own policy with state farm payed 58 bucks a month FULL coverage low deductibles and huge coverage for any accidet or theft. Dropped it down to you are totally fucked why bother with insurance coverage payed 26 a month as a daily with only myself as driver

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Country Insurance - $450ish/yr for the 510 full coverage with stated value. No tickets or accidents + multi-car, multi-policy discounts. Still seems like too much though. Insuring anything older can be a hassle. Most insurance companies just don't know what to do with them.

On a related note, I got collector insurance through Hagerty for my Cutlass ($200/yr) and they couldn't believe I was using my 510 and a "reliable" daily driver. Most collector policies require a newer DD and have mileage and usage limits for the collector car.



I had the same issue with hagerty, they had an issue with me driving a 1947 chevy truck as an DD, they didn't consider it "reliable", till I told them it was a modern drivetrain, and had been insured with amica as a DD for years, so they let it slide, I guess they wanted the money more, at the time I was paying $105.00 a year for a 67 datsun roadster, stated value $8000.00

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insured with a totaled ranger as a daily


hagerty, they had an issue with me driving a 1947 chevy truck as an DD


Hagerty said they did not insure Datsun pickups, until I sent them photos of it. Then they said it looks like a classic. $200/year, then after a couple of years I switched to my regular carrier State Farm for $144/year with the same coverage. American Classic quote was $180/year.

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Hagerty Classic Car Insurance.




No mileage restriction, $5000 agreed upon value.


Only rules I have is that it MUST be either garaged(or locked behind gates), and everyone of driving age in the house MUST have their own DD.

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