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Thank you to whom ever drove into a power poll

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Apparently someone ran into a power poll or something and knocked out power here at my work. Normally this would be sweet, except I work in IT and have to try and safely power down two dozen servers before the UPS dies. I got half way through powering everything down and the UPS dies. Keep in mind this is in a room with no windows and no backup lights, at least around the server rack.


Long story short is one of our servers took a shit. Power supply failed and appears to have taken a few bits of harware with it. Uhg...


Thanks to whom ever it was. You made my perfectly good week turn to shit in a less than a second.



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and fuck motherfuckers on backhoes seriously, those two things are the bane of my job.



When power goes down for the servers in my job I hear about 10 calls right off about it.


Searching for the positive in your dilemma~ now'd be a great time to make the pitch for bigger/more UPS's.... and a flashlight.

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