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Next Level Money Makin'!

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I dont mind a guy nurse, atleast they can relate when the doc wants to do

something thats severely painful. Thats better then waking up to some

female smiling at you with that "gotcha" look while your still in the docs

chair waking up from what ever precedure was done......but hey no touchy

feely!!!!!!! :rofl: J/K bro, I wish I had job security like that. Maybe 1 day I will. congrats!

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Not to threadjack, but I would pay off higher interest rates before lower principals, but if it works for you, then game on! :beer:


To the OP: Congrats on the new job! We all know how hard it is to land something better than you expected in this time.


98% behavior. It's the small victories that count. And I've calculated it out to about a $500 difference paying high interest first, so it's not that big of a deal.

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