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I need some help finding a good picnic place

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Hey guys, my one year anniversery is this Sunday. I want to take Mrs Bush on a picnic somewhere off the beaten path. Any ideas? I live in Oregon City and would like to keep it within an hour or two drive.


For a brief second, I thought I could go to Blue Lake and claim ignorance that I knew the meet was going on, but I dont want to push my luck lol


Also, it needs to be lowered truck friendly to get to. Maybe a waterfall, or a lake, pond, whatever. Hopefully something every sunday driver is not going to.


thanks for any ideas

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I believe the International Rose Gardens in Portland are in bloom right now. Can be a little busy at times, but it's not hard to find a quiet place and have a picnic. People are pretty courteous there and won't interrupt your game.


Plus the gardens are free admission :)

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You can rent a paddle boat at Promontory Park for cheap, me an my girly had fun. There's a cool tunnel that goes under the highway, and then a kinda lagoon area w/ a sweet rope swing! Alot of people out on the lake though :( Alot of falls around Multnomah falls that are private, if you hike way in, there's cool spots under falls no one goes to. Most folks just pansy out and go to the main ones. Worth the hike, but keep an eye on the clock, I gets friggin DARK out there once sun sets lol. Hope you's twos have fun!

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I believe the International Rose Gardens in Portland are in bloom right now. Can be a little busy at times, but it's not hard to find a quiet place and have a picnic. People are pretty courteous there and won't interrupt your game.


Plus the gardens are free admission :)


That rose garden is great.. even if garden is really crowded the amphitheater is kinda mellow and great for picnicking. We go there at least every fathers day .As i write this i am thinking maybe i should drive the troop there myself this weekend.smile.gif

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Hey guys, my one year anniversery is this Sunday. I want to take Mrs Bush on a picnic somewhere off the beaten path. Any ideas? I live in Oregon City and would like to keep it within an hour or two drive.


For a brief second, I thought I could go to Blue Lake and claim ignorance that I knew the meet was going on, but I dont want to push my luck lol


Also, it needs to be lowered truck friendly to get to. Maybe a waterfall, or a lake, pond, whatever. Hopefully something every sunday driver is not going to.


thanks for any ideas


Yeah, that's it, take 'er to Blue Lake, and give her an ironin' board for her present~!


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