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I feel like a man again

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So that's what they look like! We don't have cockroaches in Seattle, least not that I've ever seen. Guess they don't like rain.


your glass water probably scared him


They are anywhere that man is. So on every continent. Perfectly adapted. I rented a room at a house where the owner loved garage sales and was always bringing furniture home. Had been there months when I killed this 'thing' on the bathroom floor when I turned the light on. Didn't know it at the time but was a roach. Within weeks they were crawling the walls. FTS!


Cleaned a basement apt for a landlord another time when the tennants skipped and was sweeping up these rice crispies that the kid must have thrown all over. Then I found the roaches in the fridge. The cold made them very slow, so easy to ID. Took another look at the rice crispies... HOLY FUCK !!! Burned clothes and took hour long shower.

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