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Phlebmaster's 620 evolution

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thos back roads are no good man


guy I knew (actually worked with him at the pizza place across the street from arrons work) was racing about a year ago with his brother, came up the peak of one of the hills and lost traction. slid head first into another car and then T-boned by a very large truck. died instantly.

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lol jesus christ guys... cant we just have some fun? not like we're going to go 100mph, we already discussed on the phone we were doin a 0-60 thing pretty much.. an if ima die doin 60 in a datsun well, why do i have one? lol im more scared of a ticket then i am wrecking doin 60..


phleb... we can goto a drag strip, find out what we will need to do to the trucks to make them pass tech, like idk bout wheel adapters an such but not like we gonna brake any land speed records.. also i need to get my gas tank put where it belongs.. but im pretty sure im gonna need some help or something makin some mounts cause i got some stuff missin down there just not sure what..


this is gonna be a big ol hassel just to have a little fun lol

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so how is the drivability with the 2 webers? does it have more power than just a single? does it bog takin off from a light or anything?


She runs pretty smooth. No bog at all. :D


I hope to take her to PIR soon to see what times I can get on an open night. There is a little more power, but it is mostly at 4000 rpm to 5500 rpm.

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lol jesus christ guys... cant we just have some fun? not like we're going to go 100mph, we already discussed on the phone we were doin a 0-60 thing pretty much.. an if ima die doin 60 in a datsun well, why do i have one? lol im more scared of a ticket then i am wrecking doin 60..


phleb... we can goto a drag strip, find out what we will need to do to the trucks to make them pass tech, like idk bout wheel adapters an such but not like we gonna brake any land speed records.. also i need to get my gas tank put where it belongs.. but im pretty sure im gonna need some help or something makin some mounts cause i got some stuff missin down there just not sure what..


this is gonna be a big ol hassel just to have a little fun lol


I sent an email asking about the street car rules and such. I will let you know.


You should be able to get metal straps to re-mount your tank under the bed again. Heck....you could take a long piece of sheet metal and cut your own strips, then drill holes for mounting to the bed and make shackles pretty easy. ;)

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I have had several people ask me about bogging issues with my dual carb set-up. I can say that there are no bogging issues.....this video shows that. :D Remember, I spent several weeks working out the best jetting profile for this set-up. I think I have it tuned pretty well and believe it or not....I use LESS fuel than when I had one weber if I stay off the gas pedal. :eek:


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