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Someone Damaged my datsun THREAD

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I was looking threw search found no such threads(if im wrong, redirect to the correct thread please). So lets start one with damage or stolen datsuns.


Last week i was taking my engagement oics, at the perserve by my house and came back to find this!



kicked in right behind drivers door. I was so pissed. Lucky for the people in the parking lot, my girl was looking amazing in her dress and rerouted my attention back on her.I kicked the panel back into shape as much as i could. I still need body work so its whatever to me.


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I was looking threw search found no such threads(if im wrong, redirect to the correct thread please). So lets start one with damage or stolen datsuns.


Last week i was taking my engagement oics, at the perserve by my house and came back to find this!



kicked in right behind drivers door. I was so pissed. Lucky for the people in the parking lot, my girl was looking amazing in her dress and rerouted my attention back on her.I kicked the panel back into shape as much as i could. I still need body work so its whatever to me.




Oh shit taht sucks dude... hope u find out who did it...

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this was a very bad day! car was parked in front of a buddies house and the lady driving the exploder never even saw it?! the cops estimated she was doing 55 in a 30... on the up side i did end up getting a rental for 3 weeks and 2200 for the poor 510.

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This is after being rear-ended while sitting at a red light She hit me twice (in a blazer or explorer can't remember which). This picture was taken after doing some straightening, replacing the tail lights, removing the bench bumper, and Klotz helped me to unbuckle the bed with a very large hammer and some steel.



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