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Dis-functional family? ON VIDEO!

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  • 6 months later...

um wow......whooooo whooooo train wreck coming through...hey metal i will agree with the KING rat as u get older you learn discretion...this is definately one for close personal friends(if at all...) and not the interwebs... i t was more sad u just didnt haul off and beat the crap out of him then your self for interjecting in the arguement...the real loser in all of this ...besides us for reading it is your mom...she has to live there after you two move out and social demoralize another neighborhood...its mre sad than tragic... that a family comesto video there own destruction over a car....if blew up everytime something like this happened i ould be dead..... do sweat the small stuff... u only have one mom and one family...as fucked up as mine are i still love them i just choose how much of there bullshit i can stand then remove myself to the confines of my home with my family ....where i can whig out and sniff the spark plugs in my datsun... behind closed doors...


just goes to show u where were at today ..... being more apt to pick uyp a camera and record a train wreck as apposed to roll up your sleeves and help the people in that wreck...just sad...have more seflrespect and dont let it escalate to some family crushing dumb stand off...


so metal was it really worth all this...


ps i only found this thread trying to find out why hoosier 77 got banned, or re banned i guess...now i gotta go find braden and see what he got banned for ...and skib holds it down as a mod...to be hiniest this is my fav forum i am a memeber of ...thanks to skib....errrrr and welll down shifter...smoeone go find down and get him on here thats the kinda laugh i need right now ... not this depressing shit...

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hahahahah i just read bradens my acar got stolen on the realm .... hahahaha what a tool...to many microwave corndogs while wear ing a tinfoil hat....braden u made me piss myslef to keep my ass warm on this cold cold day... i know this is old....but funny dont get old..

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Why? Seriously... I understand this is general discussion 'talk about anything' and I have always dug your enthusiasm since you have joined. But why?!?!?! Are you a member of other forums where you post your personal domestic disturbances? Honestly not trying to be a dick but how is this adding to our Datsun community? It doesn't seem that funny/anecdotal. Its not rare or unheard-of. And is sure as shit isn't use full! The only reason I can fathom from posting your family drama is attention...


No Hate... Just WHY!


I think the answer was obvious.


"It's going to entertain the internet!"



That and It's always a good idea to get video when some dipshit is raging just in case you do need to get the cops involved. I LOVE the fact he was being such a big whiny bitch about everything that in his hissy fit, he damaged his car EVEN MORE. Probably threw open the door like a nitwit, hitting the jack stand, then getting all agro on the jackstand made him hit his own fender. That's fucking KARMA baby!

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