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SE is taking a beating...

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For all you west coast Ratsuners, keep the south east in your thoughts tonight. Especially the Alabama ratsuners.



We have a supercell thunderstorm tearing through 'bama right now headed towards Georgia thats killed an estimated 100+ people already. (according to the news) A 1 mile wide tornado already tore through Birmingham and left it in shambles. The super-cell is on its way here to Georgia, so I'll be pulling out my Nikon and getting videos blink.gif



We're expecting 100+MPH winds already tonight and theres been several tornado's touched down in the area.




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Hide your Datsun, I have a feeling the cells may want one of your front tires! ;) Seriously, keep your ass safe. Find a good basement in case you need to hide. Maybe bring a tow strap or something you can anchor yourself to a large object in case you're almost getting sucked away.

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Good news is that the super cell just breezed past us, and we got nothing! Kinda disappointed though dry.gif


Theres some small cells coming, but nothing like what just came through.






Ken, the Storm hasn't made it through Tennessee yet, but they're saying it will be in NC and TN in a few hours. It's fucked up a lot of stuff I hear... just glad the datto is okay!!!

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Thank God, it blew right past my part of town, but a friends house was obliterated.




I'm gonna go around later if I can and try and get storm damage pics.


It's 80 degrees and a beautiful day. You would never have know that just yesterday ruined a lot of lives...

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