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Looking for a 510 Shell in the East Coast

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:rolleyes: :rolleyes: :rolleyes: ...because $1300 is not much for a "serious buyer" for a 510 in any type of decent condition, unless you're looking for one in pretty poor shape, in which case best of luck to you.




....look...a budget doesn't convey if someone is a "serious buyer" or not. Thats why you see me looking for one in the "East Coast" where I can afford shipping. Poor shape or not, I have seen them out here before..i was actually working with someone but somebody beat me to it. Soo....if you dont have anything to help me with, please dont post with smart remarks. Thanks! ;) :P

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Sure it does. If I walk into a Ferrari dealership loOKinG/acTIng LiKe a KId and tell them I'm seriously interested in buying, and I have $5,000 to spend, they will laugh me off the showroom floor.


I'm helping...helping you see the reality of things. $1300 can buy you a shell in poor to fixable condition, in a location where 510s are more common, but you're likely going to have to raise your budget by at least double to get the same shell shipped to you.



Well, thank God this is not a Ferrari Forum..:unsure::lol:...being that the comparison is waaaaaaaay off (if you know your math) your talking about atleast a 2000% increase to buy a Ferrari from the $5000 that im walking in the dealership with vs the $1300 i have budgeted for the 510 that according to you i need 50% more to get it from the West Coast when im loOoOoking for one in the East Coast......wheeeww:rolleyes: ...and thank God im not a kid also, cause that wouldn't be good..... i have 3 kids of my own already...and a house...an annoying wife....and i am looking for a piece of sh*t 510 because I want to start from the ground up and call it my project, not somebody elses halfway done project or pieces laying on my garage floor or shed. This aint my first rodeo kido, I know what im doing. Feel free now to talk to yourself. :cool:

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It is getting harder to find cheap shells on the east coast, middle of the country or the west coast. $1300 is not unobtanium but it will take patience and diligence to find a decent shell in that price range. Seems that all the cheap 510s that show up sell fast. 510s used to be cheap cars that you could find for $100-$500 but as they have become more scarce and more popular, they are getting snatched up fast. The price of 510s has skyrocketed in the past 2-3 years. I am amazed that people are paying $5K for junk projects that could have been bought 3 years ago for $500. I am on the east coast and I own 2 nice 510s. Both came from the west coast. I have found that it is better to spend a bit more for a less rusty car then to try to fix rust.


You might want to search Craigslist in nearby states. I have seen several cars on the SC and GA craigslist.



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It is getting harder to find cheap shells on the east coast, middle of the country or the west coast. $1300 is not unobtanium but it will take patience and diligence to find a decent shell in that price range. Seems that all the cheap 510s that show up sell fast. 510s used to be cheap cars that you could find for $100-$500 but as they have become more scarce and more popular, they are getting snatched up fast. The price of 510s has skyrocketed in the past 2-3 years. I am amazed that people are paying $5K for junk projects that could have been bought 3 years ago for $500. I am on the east coast and I own 2 nice 510s. Both came from the west coast. I have found that it is better to spend a bit more for a less rusty car then to try to fix rust.


You might want to search Craigslist in nearby states. I have seen several cars on the SC and GA craigslist.




...thanks qwik510, much better response than the "other guy"...that 510 in SC ive seen, im waiting on a response from the seller, didnt leave a number on the post. im sure by now his inbox is full of emails including like 10 of mine alone. Patience is all I have, if I have no luck then ill dip more into my stash and get something in the West Coast. the510keeper looks legit and resonable.

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C'mon Matt you know better




1/ Replies WILL be limited to questions about the item for sale and 'reasonable offers'. All others will be removed at the moderators discretion.

2/ Negative comments about the item or the price WILL NOT BE TOLERATED. These will be removed and the member warned once or temp banned' date=' totally at the moderators discretion. No excuses, no exceptions.




Edit: ...and mozhated. 1 report will do next dime. WTF...

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Just for the record.



TypInG LiKe tHiS really does not help your case.


In fact its usually the sign that what ever it is should just be ignored.




A capital at the beginning of a sentence is sufficient.

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Just for the record.



TypInG LiKe tHiS really does not help your case.


In fact its usually the sign that what ever it is should just be ignored.




A capital at the beginning of a sentence is sufficient.




Gottcha! All new to me, getting use to the rules and what not.

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...thanks qwik510, much better response than the "other guy"...that 510 in SC ive seen, im waiting on a response from the seller, didnt leave a number on the post. im sure by now his inbox is full of emails including like 10 of mine alone. Patience is all I have, if I have no luck then ill dip more into my stash and get something in the West Coast. the510keeper looks legit and resonable.

you can't afford 510 keepers cars with a $1300 budget!

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Wow, whats up with all the negatives on everything I post? Is it really that serious? Im I wrong or something? Gheeze...


Damn you guys are hard on Newbies. mozhated came here trying to find a Datsun and all you do it beat on him. $1300 is a bit of a low budget but come on. Wouldn't we all like to find a decent starter project for only $1300. He will come to realize that his budget will need to be increased to find what he wants. Maybe he will get lucky and score a decent shell for $500. You never know.


Lets see if we can help him become a new datsun owner and hopefully a contributing member of the Datsun community. Not haze him and subject him to feeling like we are all a bunch of judgmental A holes.


Lighten up guys!

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It is getting harder to find cheap shells on the east coast, middle of the country or the west coast. $1300 is not unobtanium but it will take patience and diligence to find a decent shell in that price range.




Damn you guys are hard on Newbies. mozhated came here trying to find a Datsun and all you do it beat on him.


Lighten up guys!


What he said...


Stop fucking around in the classifieds.. <_<




(That is for the hazers up in here)

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Wow, whats up with all the negatives on everything I post? Is it really that serious? Im I wrong or something? Gheeze...





you can't afford 510 keepers cars with a $1300 budget!


This is truth...not negativity. ;)




Think of ratsun as your local pub...people will give you shit for any reason or none. Thicken the skin and just keep drinkin at the bar, everything will work out fine.

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Are you guys serious? "I hope that's just your shipping budget :thumbup:" is a haze? Is a beating? Is judgemental? Fucking around? Wow, seriously? It was a polite tongue in cheek way of saying he needs to dig deeper, especially when he's looking at buying a shell for shipping. Except for mozhated getting his panties in a wad in the morning, I can't see how what I said any different than what dvboth said, but mmkay, I fail english?

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Are you guys serious? "I hope that's just your shipping budget :thumbup:" is a haze? Is a beating? Is judgemental? Fucking around? Wow, seriously? It was a polite tongue in cheek way of saying he needs to dig deeper, especially when he's looking at buying a shell for shipping. Except for mozhated getting his panties in a wad in the morning, I can't see how what I said any different than what dvboth said, but mmkay, I fail english?



No Matt, your first comment was not a haze just gentle ribbing the new guy. But when you continued with comments like it shows that he is not a serious buyer and the Ferrari scenario, it changed from gentle ribbing to something less then friendly.


Yes. Thicker skin is needed on forums like these but we need to try to encourage the new people with positive feedback and suggestions.


And if he was looking for a stripped down bare shell, I think one can be had for $1300. So I guess it depends on if your idea of a shell means a complete rolling car minus the motor and trans, or just a shell which to me means a unibody with everything removed from it.


But we never asked that question. That is what we should have asked when he posted his original post. It was also assumed that the $1300 budget was to include the shipping cost but we never asked that question either.


Looking for a 1968-73 510 2d or 4d Shell preferably in the East Coast. Im in the Sunshine State of Florida. Looking to get it shipped with your help! Serious buyer. LMK Thanks!


With the 510 gaining in popularity, we are going to be seeing a lot more newbies on the forum looking for a 510. Some will be kids that have no clue and some will be car guys that know cars but are new to Datsuns. We need to help them all. Lets try to make them all Datsun brothers and sisters.

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No Matt, your first comment was not a haze just gentle ribbing the new guy. But when you continued with comments like it shows that he is not a serious buyer and the Ferrari scenario, it changed from gentle ribbing to something less then friendly.


Yes. Thicker skin is needed on forums like these but we need to try to encourage the new people with positive feedback and suggestions.


And if he was looking for a stripped down bare shell, I think one can be had for $1300. So I guess it depends on if your idea of a shell means a complete rolling car minus the motor and trans, or just a shell which to me means a unibody with everything removed from it.


But we never asked that question. That is what we should have asked when he posted his original post. It was also assumed that the $1300 budget was to include the shipping cost but we never asked that question either.




With the 510 gaining in popularity, we are going to be seeing a lot more newbies on the forum looking for a 510. Some will be kids that have no clue and some will be car guys that know cars but are new to Datsuns. We need to help them all. Lets try to make them all Datsun brothers and sisters.



Right, maybe I shoudve been more clear on what i was looking for...since Im not completely familiar what shells go for, completely stripped, rolling chassis etc...you live and you learn.

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Update...don't need motor, tranny, interior, glass. Just shell, suspension and tires. I need to be able to roll it around. Wiring would be nice. Now if something like that is out there let me know, if not...then what can I get for my money and roughly how much more Im I lookiing at for what I want.

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Are you guys serious? "I hope that's just your shipping budget :thumbup:" is a haze? Is a beating? Is judgemental? Fucking around? Wow, seriously? It was a polite tongue in cheek way of saying he needs to dig deeper, especially when he's looking at buying a shell for shipping. Except for mozhated getting his panties in a wad in the morning, I can't see how what I said any different than what dvboth said, but mmkay, I fail english?


No, it was the additional posts you made...and 'fucking around and hazing comments' were for everyone, not just you :P

Remember, if you have something to add relating to the sale post up. If you are going to bitch about someones pricing, dont. We have rules like that here for a reason.



mozhated. Good luck with your search, hope your 510 finds you soon :)

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